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Feb 12, 2014 at 03:19
Vues 59
1 Replies
Membre depuis Oct 12, 2013   posts 2
Feb 12, 2014 at 10:32
I use mixed trading. Thus far i have been 95% profitable on my trades. I have earnt a substantial amount of money from FX and looking to trade for others for 20-30% performance fee with no upfront.

Currently working in a hedge fund and considering trading full time due to my high level of success. Prefer to obtain investment of 2 million USD to obtain my own hedge fund (asset management) licence in HK and sell to Chinese market. I have extensive knowledge and experience in Chinese market.
Membre depuis Oct 12, 2013   posts 2
Feb 12, 2014 at 10:33
Please note that this account is testing a high return and medium to high risk strategy. I usually run low risk strategy and return 6-10% p.m. However one of our clients asked me to test the high risk strategy and show the test results in order to make a sizeable blended investment (high and low risk).

Even though i classify this as high risk you can see based on 377 trades and 95% win percentage that the risk for reward is well worth while :)
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