Machine Learning Real Account_Stopped (de leo23)

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Discussion Machine Learning Real Account_Stopped

Feb 14, 2020 at 19:16
Vues 199
1 Replies
Membre depuis Oct 12, 2016   posts 777
Feb 26, 2020 at 08:51
Currently, we offer only direct fund management services using this algo and this set up. Same trades will be copied to all the investor MT4 accounts, but risk and drawdown % can be decreased in each individual MT4 account based on the investor request and investor account balance, leverage, free margin etc.

For more details about fund management services contact our support email "[email protected]"

Contact email: [email protected]
Artificial General Intelligence
Membre depuis Oct 12, 2016   posts 777
Feb 27, 2020 at 08:28
This is a new account for testing purpose and we are copying trades from one of our master accounts for fund management to this account to see how everything goes.

Every investor must note that this account broker is not a well reliable broker in terms of spread and execution which we already mentioned in one of our other posts, but this broker is somewhat okay for testing an algo in a real and small account.

So the actual performance of the algo in a good broker with good spread will be way more than this performance shown in this real account with this much DD %.
Artificial General Intelligence
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