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- Lindencourt 15M Private
Lindencourt 15M Private (de Lindencourt)
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Discussion Lindencourt 15M Private
Membre depuis Jul 04, 2012
posts 1
Oct 16, 2012 at 12:05
Membre depuis Jul 04, 2012
posts 1
This account will be used for development of some of our trading systems. We recently tested a new trading system but used very high risk per trade, which is not normally advisable. We tend to trade only the major pairs and most are GBPUSD and EURUSD trades. We use trade management software to manage trades so we do not have to put in a lot of screen time once trades have been made. We usually trade mainly the European session.
This account will be used for development of some of our trading systems. We recently tested a new trading system but used very high risk per trade, which is not normally advisable. We tend to trade only the major pairs and most are GBPUSD and EURUSD trades. We use trade management software to manage trades so we do not have to put in a lot of screen time once trades have been made. We usually trade mainly the European session.
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