knockout (de ramliam)
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Discussion knockout
Apr 21, 2010 at 22:39
Membre depuis Oct 27, 2009
posts 100
my EA will analyze the market 24H/6,
i have 3 serevers that collect data from the market.
here is few facts about my EA:
the EA design to stealth the broker,thet mean the the SL and TP that the broker see is totaly diffrent from what it's.
i have 3 serevers that collect data from the market.
here is few facts about my EA:
the EA design to stealth the broker,thet mean the the SL and TP that the broker see is totaly diffrent from what it's.
Membre depuis Aug 31, 2009
posts 131
Membre depuis Apr 20, 2010
posts 808

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