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JourneyFx Managed (de JourneyFx)
Lutilisateur a supprimé ce système.
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Discussion JourneyFx Managed
Membre depuis Feb 16, 2010
posts 1305
Jan 21, 2011 at 05:45
Membre depuis Feb 16, 2010
posts 1305
What happened here: https://www.myfxbook.com/community/trading-systems/journeyfx/68830,1
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Jan 21, 2011 at 08:10
Membre depuis Nov 24, 2010
posts 6
Hey Solar - the reason why I deleted the myfxbook link which you posted is because it is the performance of a trader who no longer works for our company... so for the sake of less confusion we deleted the record which we dont 'own' anymore.
Sit tight and enjoy the slow and steady income.
Sit tight and enjoy the slow and steady income.
Slow and Steady wins the race
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