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Its just me (de MissPipsKiller)
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Discussion Its just me
Membre depuis Feb 25, 2011
posts 26
Membre depuis Jun 22, 2011
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Membre depuis Feb 25, 2011
posts 26
Sep 24, 2011 at 20:19
(édité Sep 24, 2011 at 20:20)
Membre depuis Feb 25, 2011
posts 26
keep going, keep going. But people need help. Please help going and share your systems. If you don't share anything please keep your success yourself. If I find a profitable system one day I am going to share it with everyone. I will do it.
blessedboy09 posted:
Yes keep going, looking good 😉
Membre depuis Jun 22, 2011
posts 70
Membre depuis Apr 01, 2011
posts 16
Sep 24, 2011 at 21:21
Membre depuis Apr 01, 2011
posts 16
fxsystemsignals posted:
keep going, keep going. But people need help. Please help going and share your systems. If you don't share anything please keep your success yourself. If I find a profitable system one day I am going to share it with everyone. I will do it.
blessedboy09 posted:
Yes keep going, looking good 😉
Me personally i don't have a successful system either, but i'm not going to let that stop me from congratulating someone who is having success. Just keep believing and being positive, and i'm sure we all will be successful. :)
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