IrisFX (de birt)

Gain : +60.68%
Drawdown 7.19%
Pips: 3356.1
Transactions 3092
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:100
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion IrisFX

Aug 07, 2011 at 13:25
Vues 1,469
1 Replies
Membre depuis Mar 03, 2010   posts 3
Sep 23, 2011 at 07:49
May I ask what broker you are running IrisFX

Thank you for your reply!

Membre depuis Mar 21, 2012   posts 4
Jul 09, 2012 at 06:07
Hi Roger71 . If you want to run IrisFx you have to check Solidary Markets Fx. I´ve been testing MANY feeds from FxOpen to FinFx, NordFx, and also I have institutional account in CFH Markets.The slippage is killing you in all them. However the EA is working very well ( strategies 8888 and 777 , not the 999 which will already loose...) in Solidary Markets Fx because the execution is super fast ( 300-350 ms) and the slippage is very low. The best I´ve ever tested. Regards .
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