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Invesard GBPUSD (Tickmill) (de geektrader)
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Discussion Invesard GBPUSD (Tickmill)
Membre depuis Apr 08, 2011
posts 148
Jun 04, 2021 at 11:44
Membre depuis Apr 08, 2011
posts 148
Hello Joe,
thanks for pointing this out, I will fix it. It´s called drawdown and is absolutely normal. Remember that this is for the long term and can have drawdown phases of over half a year (as can be seen in the backtests). If your friend is concerned about this, he trades too high risk. The minimum holding time should be at least 1 year, as every year has been profitable so far.
Thank you,
thanks for pointing this out, I will fix it. It´s called drawdown and is absolutely normal. Remember that this is for the long term and can have drawdown phases of over half a year (as can be seen in the backtests). If your friend is concerned about this, he trades too high risk. The minimum holding time should be at least 1 year, as every year has been profitable so far.
Thank you,
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