Inus Forex (de janusdupreez)

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Discussion Inus Forex

May 22, 2014 at 06:33
Vues 444
1 Replies
Membre depuis Jan 07, 2014   posts 12
May 27, 2014 at 12:02
Just a though - can this be done by having daily goals and growing your account by only 10% of the daily equity ?

I've started a new account with no history, deposited $10 into the account and attempting this.

I've only got $10 to lose ? Have a look : (starting with day 4 now).

Full details here :

Any thoughts or bets on how long this will last ?
The trend is your friend until the bend in the end.
Membre depuis Jan 07, 2014   posts 12
May 27, 2014 at 12:23
This is the goal.....

The trend is your friend until the bend in the end.
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