Instaforex Cent - Forex Combo System (de jjyforex)
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Discussion Instaforex Cent - Forex Combo System

Membre depuis Mar 03, 2010
posts 31
Oct 20, 2010 at 12:53
(édité Oct 20, 2010 at 12:54)
Membre depuis Mar 03, 2010
posts 31
wow bad luck man...sad to see your account got wiped out because of your manual trades...pretty much what happened to me also.
it's probably best just to let the EAs run the account for you...EURUSD pair actually made $1300+ (assuming they are from Forex Combo)...would have been good to just let the EA do its job...
it's probably best just to let the EAs run the account for you...EURUSD pair actually made $1300+ (assuming they are from Forex Combo)...would have been good to just let the EA do its job...

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