InstaForex-2 (de komposter)
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Discussion InstaForex-2
Membre depuis Oct 29, 2009
posts 18
Membre depuis Oct 29, 2009
posts 18
Oct 10, 2010 at 17:18
Membre depuis Oct 29, 2009
posts 18
Hi Andrii,
Thanks for your reply.
I also have some profitable eas. I am a fan of profitable ea collection for trading my own accounts and my clients accounts.
Any chance to exchange our eas together ?
Of course, we are real forex traders and we like to trade our own accounts with our own eas, and do not have any interests in posting profitable eas on all the forums in order to show off.
I just knew about last week, and so, I posted my mini live accounts just for fun. Here is the link to my eas trading on a very small, mini live account. I want to build this small capital up fast. So, maybe, next week, I will increase much more risk % to see how my eas will perform. Right now, I am only using 3% risk. But next week, I will increase up to 8% - 10%.
Please advise your ideas. My email is: [email protected]
I am from Vietnam. How about you? Can we make friends together?
Thanks for your reply.
I also have some profitable eas. I am a fan of profitable ea collection for trading my own accounts and my clients accounts.
Any chance to exchange our eas together ?
Of course, we are real forex traders and we like to trade our own accounts with our own eas, and do not have any interests in posting profitable eas on all the forums in order to show off.
I just knew about last week, and so, I posted my mini live accounts just for fun. Here is the link to my eas trading on a very small, mini live account. I want to build this small capital up fast. So, maybe, next week, I will increase much more risk % to see how my eas will perform. Right now, I am only using 3% risk. But next week, I will increase up to 8% - 10%.
Please advise your ideas. My email is: [email protected]
I am from Vietnam. How about you? Can we make friends together?

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