IBTFX EA V.7.0.0 (de rclauxvg)

Gain : +133.55%
Drawdown 3.93%
Pips: 7793.2
Transactions 4090
Type: Démo
Levier: 1:100
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion IBTFX EA V.7.0.0

Mar 19 at 06:32
Vues 28
1 Replies
Membre depuis Mar 27, 2023   posts 1
Mar 19 at 21:06

I purchased IBTFX EA in 2024, and it has exceeded my expectations. I have used it successfully to manage live funds and pass multiple prop firm challenges. The algorithm is highly efficient, with a solid risk management system that helps maintain consistency in trading.

IBTFX EA adapts well to market conditions, making it a reliable tool for both personal trading and funded account management. The automation is seamless, and the strategy execution is precise, allowing me to scale my trading while minimizing emotional decision-making.

Overall, this EA has been a game-changer for my trading journey. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a professional and profitable trading solution!

Membre depuis Sep 01, 2019   posts 1
Mar 19 at 22:54

Thanks for the feedback! Good profits!

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