Hotforex 241656 (de forex_trader_65203)
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Discussion Hotforex 241656
Membre depuis Jan 25, 2010
posts 1288
Jul 16, 2014 at 20:07
Membre depuis Jan 25, 2010
posts 1288
What strategy do you use? It is great to see you share all stats and history, but I still can't work out your strategy.
It doesn't resemble the usual grid martingale I was expecting, considering the scary drawdown experienced recently. You are lucky not to have received a margin call yet.
Have you got any website for your system (to learn more)?
It doesn't resemble the usual grid martingale I was expecting, considering the scary drawdown experienced recently. You are lucky not to have received a margin call yet.
Have you got any website for your system (to learn more)?

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