GFP_DEMO (de GridsForPips)

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Discussion GFP_DEMO

Nov 18, 2010 at 01:00
Vues 713
1 Replies
Membre depuis Jun 16, 2010   posts 198
Nov 25, 2010 at 07:00
Hi all.

This is a demoaccount I've opened to demonstrate how my EA performs now that I'm finished developing it.

Because of Instaforex's limitation of max. 500 open orders I'm only using the gridtrading part. 32 instruments might even be too many for only 500 orders, but we'll see how it goes.

Cheers to all.

Always get cashback -
Membre depuis Jun 16, 2010   posts 198
Dec 02, 2010 at 07:17
Just changed max orders to 200 down from 500 - didn't check the limit before starting testing, so I'm now already at the limit.
Now I have to wait for some orders to close to get the EA going the right way again - and 200 orders is not a lot for 32 instruments.


Always get cashback -
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