G.A. - Algo A (de ginvesto)
Gain : | +4121.25% |
Drawdown | 10.68% |
Pips: | 25213.9 |
Transactions | 1315 |
Gagné: |
Perdu: |
Type: | Réel |
Levier: | 1:100 |
Trading: | Inconnu |
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Discussion G.A. - Algo A
Sep 12, 2014 at 10:19
Membre depuis Apr 20, 2011
posts 37
nothing to concern about because as you can see above one of my customers has proved that I am honest person (see ivan message).
And you can see I've many accounts with very good performance.
All the best!
nothing to concern about because as you can see above one of my customers has proved that I am honest person (see ivan message).
And you can see I've many accounts with very good performance.
All the best!
Risk Management for first!
Membre depuis Oct 25, 2013
posts 20
Oct 14, 2014 at 13:45
Membre depuis Apr 20, 2011
posts 37
Hello Dina or better VLADIMIR Anatolevich, why do you ask this questions if we talked already in the email?
You told on your website that I was your alumn :D, than you removed my strategy from your website ONLY AFTER I WARNED YOU.
You used my strategy to make advertising saying that it was your strategy, why now you come here and ask other questions if you told me in the email you will stop to advertise my accounts as your account????
I attach screenshoot that shows I am saying the truth, so please DINA (VLADIMIR), everyone must do his job, I am not interested to yours and you don't have to be interested to my.
All the best.
You told on your website that I was your alumn :D, than you removed my strategy from your website ONLY AFTER I WARNED YOU.
You used my strategy to make advertising saying that it was your strategy, why now you come here and ask other questions if you told me in the email you will stop to advertise my accounts as your account????
I attach screenshoot that shows I am saying the truth, so please DINA (VLADIMIR), everyone must do his job, I am not interested to yours and you don't have to be interested to my.
All the best.
Risk Management for first!
Membre depuis Oct 15, 2014
posts 1

Membre depuis Dec 18, 2013
posts 16
Oct 20, 2014 at 11:47
Membre depuis Dec 18, 2013
posts 16
ginvesto posted:
Hello Dina or better VLADIMIR Anatolevich
All the best.
Vladimir only my teacher. Big thanks to him for having taught me to trade without losing trades and select the position with an accuracy of 97-100% mining.
I'm not interested in your correspondence with him and the case.
I asked about your account. Why did you not update?

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