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Fxdd Actual 6 EAS (de fotoposter1)
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Discussion Fxdd Actual 6 EAS
Membre depuis Jun 14, 2010
posts 12
Aug 11, 2011 at 16:08
Membre depuis Jun 14, 2010
posts 12
Is a Martigala but the multi is just 1.3 and increse the lots .02, .03 .03 no more than 3 trades. I put manual the direccion and leave the expert work in one direction.
The big loss that you see are the mistake that I make with the direccion.
Thank you
Is a Martigala but the multi is just 1.3 and increse the lots .02, .03 .03 no more than 3 trades. I put manual the direccion and leave the expert work in one direction.
The big loss that you see are the mistake that I make with the direccion.
Thank you
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