Fundamental analysis (de Barash777)

Gain : +8.42%
Drawdown 25.79%
Pips: 82.3
Transactions 36
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:200
Trading: Inconnu

Discussion Fundamental analysis

May 15, 2014 at 00:06
Vues 342
1 Replies
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012   posts 6
May 16, 2014 at 19:32
Hi. This account trades based on fundamental analysis of market. Technical analysis works intermittently, fundamental - always! I am professionally engaged in writing EAs for MT4, but EAs working on the basis of technical analysis are not profitable in the long period of time, it requires constant optimization, but optimization by itself is devoid of any logic, it just fit under the current market, which may change at any day. So I make decision to use my EA for analyse news and main indexes of forex market. The disadvantage of the EA is an extremely rare trade, about 1-2 times per month, but the indisputable advantages is its small drawdown and validity of entry into the market. I invite you to monitor my account, I hope you'll be pleasantly surprised by its stability and growth!
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012   posts 6
May 23, 2014 at 21:10
Hi. Next trade will on June 06, 2014. Please, look at my account more carefully and if you will be satisfied you can invest money in my PAMM. Thanks for your time.
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