FTMO funded (de nikitin)

Gain : +24.93%
Drawdown 6.22%
Pips: 4996.4
Transactions 275
Type: Démo
Levier: 1:100
Trading: Manuel

Discussion FTMO funded

Mar 01, 2020 at 17:23
Vues 4,794
21 Replies
Membre depuis Apr 14, 2019   posts 10
Mar 18, 2021 at 12:43
For all those asking about it been a demo account. The demo account is linked to FTMO's real accounts so he is infact playing with real money.

Another thing to note its not really 100K hes playing with. If they give you 100K you are infact playing with 10K, as you lose your account if you go below 10% drawdown. Your job would be to trade till that 10 becomes 20+ so you have a nice cushion (which would give you a 20% drawdown limit).

Well done Oleksandr keep going :-)
Consistency Starts Here
Membre depuis Apr 13, 2021   posts 12
Apr 23, 2021 at 11:29
Your system has good potential. Keep it up and do share more about it.
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