FS-Bara (de Surfer)
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Discussion FS-Bara
Apr 25, 2010 at 16:07
Membre depuis Apr 04, 2010
posts 16
I am interesting take your scalper for testing.
I want put on demo acc.
I try make modernization this EA for decrease big down drown.
Thank you
[email protected]
I want put on demo acc.
I try make modernization this EA for decrease big down drown.
Thank you
[email protected]
Apr 28, 2010 at 19:39
Membre depuis Mar 07, 2010
posts 3
what "big drawdown" do you mean? I don't see any real drawdown...
It is not realy my scalper since i didn't code it. It is a commercial EA i bought from a Russian Programmer and am currently improving and testing.
I will never sell this EA since it is not "mine" as i already said. The only thing i could imagine is selling the Tradesignals. But this is something for the future when i have improved the settings and tested them for 2 + months.
But Thanks for your interest, this is surely something that proves pretty rewarding.
It is not realy my scalper since i didn't code it. It is a commercial EA i bought from a Russian Programmer and am currently improving and testing.
I will never sell this EA since it is not "mine" as i already said. The only thing i could imagine is selling the Tradesignals. But this is something for the future when i have improved the settings and tested them for 2 + months.
But Thanks for your interest, this is surely something that proves pretty rewarding.

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