ForteFX (PotenzaFX+ATR) (de tcollings)

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Discussion ForteFX (PotenzaFX+ATR)

Dec 03, 2012 at 09:55
Vues 670
5 Replies
Membre depuis Sep 02, 2009   posts 47
Jul 12, 2014 at 13:30
Hi, Are you trading this looks a good low dd with decent consistant monthly.....% gain?
Membre depuis Jun 01, 2012   posts 18
Jul 12, 2014 at 14:10
No, It's a demo account. I do intend to trade it live, but was intending to use a different trend detection setting.
Are you familiar with ForteFX?
Membre depuis Sep 02, 2009   posts 47
Jul 13, 2014 at 06:24
Yes ran forte on live account for a while...did ok until dd over 40%. So stopped. Your dd is looking good. As far as I can see low risk, decent return. What settings are you looking to change? Im just looking to help my account grow with my manual trading.
Membre depuis Sep 02, 2009   posts 47
Jul 13, 2014 at 21:04
Which set files are using for the demo. What time frame for all the pairs.

Membre depuis Jun 01, 2012   posts 18
Jul 14, 2014 at 03:37

I'm running V2.00 on the M1 timeframe. I'm using a version of their standard fortefx_algo2_m1_h1_ATR set file with a few minor changes. If you're interested I can send you a copy of the file.
Membre depuis Sep 02, 2009   posts 47
Jul 14, 2014 at 06:41
Hi. I have set up a demo with 4 of the pairs you are using with standard settings. It wold be great if you could send your modded set file.

Thanks again.
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