ForexSensation (de sensation)

Gain : +215.07%
Drawdown 2.57%
Pips: 723.8
Transactions 102
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:200
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion ForexSensation

Oct 15, 2013 at 10:34
Vues 13,656
271 Replies
Membre depuis Jun 24, 2011   posts 8
Oct 15, 2013 at 14:36
90 days of live trading isn't enough proof of long-term profitability and robustness. Is there at least a backtest of the system over several years including 2008 and 2009, please?
The wisest men follow their own direction. - Eurípidés
Membre depuis Feb 11, 2011   posts 1768
Oct 15, 2013 at 18:06 (édité Oct 15, 2013 at 18:12)
smelling scam..only a gut feeling,wait at least 1 year of live results with legitimates clients who get live trading proofs;.
"The Forex Sensation further reserves the right to reject a Forex Sensation purchase for any reason."
So phrase ANY REASON makes me believe they do not accept responsibility for they products/services.
That is to say they want our money without trying to help traders to gain profit - scaming.
Membre depuis Dec 09, 2009   posts 7
Oct 16, 2013 at 05:17
contest is over - they stopped trading it after 11th October?
it's mainly about managing risk
Membre depuis Oct 15, 2013   posts 18
Oct 16, 2013 at 08:36
I've bought this EA yesterday, but until now, I try to backtest it on the last 3 months, changing parameters to match the graph above.

Until now I've failed.
Using ticks data to backtest it I have only 38 trades and it's not as profitable as the graph above.

Really strange. I will consider to be refund.
Membre depuis Mar 15, 2010   posts 30
Oct 16, 2013 at 09:44
I have just bought this EA today. I will try to update on how it performs.
To get rich by consistent and safe means...
Membre depuis May 16, 2012   posts 27
Oct 17, 2013 at 07:34
therichonedemo1 posted:
I have just bought this EA today. I will try to update on how it performs.

Hi sir, i am waiting for your response did you try yet your robot?
Membre depuis Mar 04, 2010   posts 411
Oct 17, 2013 at 09:18
They have up sell for the Winner robot extension. I think you need to get that extension in order to have the same result for the past 3 months. I am not sure about this, it is just what I think.

Please update any on the trading result as well as the refund process, whether successful or not.

Membre depuis Mar 15, 2010   posts 30
Oct 17, 2013 at 10:57
The EA only started trading yesterday. I have put Forex Cash Printer and Y-Combination on my live account. So far only Y-Combination has opened and closed some trades. The other one hasn't opened a single trade. I don't know how often it opens trades.
To get rich by consistent and safe means...
Membre depuis Oct 15, 2013   posts 18
Oct 17, 2013 at 12:49
The things I was able to know until them:

- ForexSensation in my backtest, it's around 0 to 2 trades per days, there are long period of times without trades.
- There is a news filter on the EA (impossible to change it), so that explains also why some days don't have any trades.
- Plus the Summer Time is set incorrectly (I was able to backtest it as it performes better with -1 hour in the tester), there is a patch for that
- I also suspect that the pair shown on the website is not the one used by default by the EA (EURUSD)

For Y Direction, I don't like it, because, with default settings, using MM in backtest, it loose all the money in 1 week :(
It needs to be set in fixed lots, in my opinion, because it used "martingale like" way to recover loss. This system can be disabled.

I still consider the refund, I don't like the fact to have a patch 1 day after the release, to not being able to reproduce the perf on backtest. And also to have an extention release after 1 day after for 500$.

So until now, I still need to have proof of how this EA is performing.
Maybe I will test the extention, not sure.
Membre depuis Jun 24, 2010   posts 124
Oct 17, 2013 at 18:56
This sure reminded me of Forex World Cup Competition where they combined winning EAs into one EA called you guys still remember? Looks like the same marketing hype being they always said.."history repeats itself"...

I also have doubts about the broker used..FX Choice....hmmmm
Membre depuis Oct 15, 2013   posts 18
Oct 17, 2013 at 19:14
First trade on my ECN FXChoice real account, first loss 1$ for 0.1 lot.
Not a big deal look like hitting the sl for a trailing stop... not that bad.

I'll continue to run both ForexSensation and Y-Combination on my real account.
Membre depuis Aug 22, 2009   posts 382
Oct 17, 2013 at 19:32
I bought this EA on the same day they release.

But No trade yet.

Let's see
Membre depuis Oct 25, 2012   posts 8
Oct 17, 2013 at 21:41
investea posted:
I've bought this EA yesterday, but until now, I try to backtest it on the last 3 months, changing parameters to match the graph above.

Until now I've failed.
Using ticks data to backtest it I have only 38 trades and it's not as profitable as the graph above.

Really strange. I will consider to be refund.
Let us know if you succeed, I was considering buying it but I need backtest proof to drop 1k.
Membre depuis Mar 15, 2011   posts 3
Oct 17, 2013 at 23:06
Thank you guys, go on posting news about this EA. We are all interested.
Membre depuis Oct 25, 2012   posts 8
Oct 18, 2013 at 02:21
Can some one do a backtest from 2007 with high model quality? There are only 35 copies left on the there website and I really would like to know if its worth it?
Membre depuis May 16, 2012   posts 27
Oct 18, 2013 at 11:30
I find problem in my transaction using my master card , I think the click-better have some problem cannot release the money to the website?
Membre depuis Mar 15, 2010   posts 30
Oct 18, 2013 at 11:41
So far only Y-Combination has opened trades. It appears all trades are buy only even for the pending orders. No trade for the winner yet. I have just updated it to 1.01. There was no email notification to tell me there was an update. I found out in the download area.
To get rich by consistent and safe means...
Membre depuis Oct 15, 2013   posts 18
Oct 18, 2013 at 16:06
This night first profit on a trade 2.84 $ for 0.1 lot.

Still trying to have a valid backtest, I've downloaded ticks data from 2008 to now, should be enough.
Membre depuis Mar 04, 2010   posts 411
Oct 18, 2013 at 17:58
Thanks for all of the update. we are interested. if possible please connect it to myfxbook. so that everybody can see the real time analysis. Thanks.
Membre depuis Aug 22, 2009   posts 382
Oct 18, 2013 at 23:34 (édité Oct 18, 2013 at 23:36)

Is this account no longer traded with Sensation EA??????

Or what??

My account in pellucidfx did not trade yet since installed.
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