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- Forex Robot v6.2a
Forex Robot v6.2a (de lenovos10e)
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Discussion Forex Robot v6.2a
Membre depuis Oct 11, 2009
posts 7
Apr 28, 2012 at 08:02
Membre depuis Apr 27, 2012
posts 1
Hi scoobe.
I wanted to thank you for the excellent work on FR you'v shared with us on steve's forum.
I have been running it on a demo AC ,with very good results.
I was going to go live with it once I tested the latest ver 6.1c for bugs,unfortunately and understandably we lost your valuable expertise and generosity.
However,I still like to thank you for your valuble inputs over the years through diffrenet treads,and wish you and your family with the best of luck and good health.
Yours sincerely
I wanted to thank you for the excellent work on FR you'v shared with us on steve's forum.
I have been running it on a demo AC ,with very good results.
I was going to go live with it once I tested the latest ver 6.1c for bugs,unfortunately and understandably we lost your valuable expertise and generosity.
However,I still like to thank you for your valuble inputs over the years through diffrenet treads,and wish you and your family with the best of luck and good health.
Yours sincerely
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