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- FinFx_MegaDroid
FinFx_MegaDroid (de fxcbspro)
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Discussion FinFx_MegaDroid
Membre depuis Dec 07, 2009
posts 134
Membre depuis May 10, 2011
posts 15
Nov 03, 2011 at 08:59
Membre depuis May 10, 2011
posts 15
yesterday the trading session is started with 2 hours ahead? usually megadroid start after 23:00PM (i am on italy), but yesterday the first trade start at 21:00PM...
same problem on FOREX SCALPA and PIPLASER...
the cause is for the WINTER TIME go to -1hour and GMT -1 (on finfx)?
GMT of FIN was reduced by -1, from 3.0 to 2.0
what i do to have the just trading session?
yesterday the trading session is started with 2 hours ahead? usually megadroid start after 23:00PM (i am on italy), but yesterday the first trade start at 21:00PM...
same problem on FOREX SCALPA and PIPLASER...
the cause is for the WINTER TIME go to -1hour and GMT -1 (on finfx)?
GMT of FIN was reduced by -1, from 3.0 to 2.0
what i do to have the just trading session?
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