EAATS Ultimate v9 [Stopped] (de deysmacro)
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Discussion EAATS Ultimate v9 [Stopped]
Aug 11, 2014 at 07:20
(édité Aug 11, 2014 at 07:22)
Membre depuis Jul 17, 2012
posts 274
Hi everyone. I have comeback with news.
Anyone wants to try this EA?
The EA make its trades based on price action. Nothing more nothing less.
No more such thing as high risk high return. Just slow and steady we go.
If you would like, I can trade your account on your behalf but I will need a full control to that account. I will trade using my VPS and I will not charge you. I want a dedicated account so that any trade decisions made are not messed up.
The only thing is that, how much we make, 50/50 split (after deducting deposit - applicable to real account only).
That's all.
I can also trade your demo account just in case you want to directly see the performance yourself.
Min account balance = 250 (doesn't matter which currency)
Min lot supported by broker = 0.01
Leverage required = 500:1
Expected Max DD = 25 % (hopefully less)
Expected ROI per month = 5 % or more
The lot used will be adjusted when you have enough account balance.
So, to use 0.02 lot, you account balance must be 500.
Well, that's it from me. Hope to hear you soon.
p/s: I open this offer to selected few as I only have limited resources at my disposal.
Anyone wants to try this EA?
The EA make its trades based on price action. Nothing more nothing less.
No more such thing as high risk high return. Just slow and steady we go.
If you would like, I can trade your account on your behalf but I will need a full control to that account. I will trade using my VPS and I will not charge you. I want a dedicated account so that any trade decisions made are not messed up.
The only thing is that, how much we make, 50/50 split (after deducting deposit - applicable to real account only).
That's all.
I can also trade your demo account just in case you want to directly see the performance yourself.
Min account balance = 250 (doesn't matter which currency)
Min lot supported by broker = 0.01
Leverage required = 500:1
Expected Max DD = 25 % (hopefully less)
Expected ROI per month = 5 % or more
The lot used will be adjusted when you have enough account balance.
So, to use 0.02 lot, you account balance must be 500.
Well, that's it from me. Hope to hear you soon.
p/s: I open this offer to selected few as I only have limited resources at my disposal.
Past experience usually helps present self

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