Contest - Hochuh (de Hochuh)

Gain : -71.23%
Drawdown 89.64%
Pips: 6377.4
Transactions 9
Type: Démo
Levier: 1:100
Trading: Inconnu

Discussion Contest - Hochuh

Jan 17, 2013 at 21:06
Vues 4,599
81 Replies
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2012   posts 4
Feb 04, 2013 at 16:10
loundjonx 14 Seconds ago
leen76 posted:
is it true that not all trades from the moment of the first trade in these pairs are cancelled yet?


and what about the trades AFTER? people who traded these pairs have much more balance to buy new trades with, so in my opinion all trades on ALL PAIRS must be cancelled till trades were restored!

I just want to make it clear. in my MT4 my history already normal just before i trade the USD/RUR. and my lot size is never more than 22. maybe the rank display wasnt update yet. restart is no need, just wait and see..

--------That's yours. How about the others? They have made other trades based on the profits received. It isn't fair to the others. I call for a revamp or restart.
Membre depuis Jun 03, 2012   posts 14
Feb 04, 2013 at 16:11
loundjonx posted:
leen76 posted:
is it true that not all trades from the moment of the first trade in these pairs are cancelled yet?


and what about the trades AFTER? people who traded these pairs have much more balance to buy new trades with, so in my opinion all trades on ALL PAIRS must be cancelled till trades were restored!

I just want to make it clear. in my MT4 my history already normal just before i trade the USD/RUR. and my lot size is never more than 22. maybe the rank display wasnt update yet. restart is no need, just wait and see..

I only took you as an example, but as you can see in my previous post, there are people that traded much more lots than they could trade without the profit from the USDRUB.
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