Contest - AnotherBrian

Gain : +48.45%
Drawdown 82.29%
Pips: 6511.1
Transactions 1991
Type: Démo
Levier: 1:400
Trading: Inconnu

Discussion Contest - AnotherBrian

Sep 09, 2013 at 13:04
Vues 564
2 Replies
Membre depuis Dec 17, 2011   posts 74
Sep 26, 2013 at 22:12
Here comes the boom!
Membre depuis Dec 17, 2011   posts 74
Sep 26, 2013 at 22:17
So this EA downloads the weather in New York. When it is sunny with no chance of rain it will buy on the 5 minute chart based on MACD crosses. When it is 60% or more chance of rain it will only short.
It will play buy and sells when the forecast has the word "partly" in it (as in "partly" cloudy or "partly" sunny). For this it uses a range system on the 15 minute, the 5 day prior range high and low (wont trade once price is outside of that) and a support resistance indicator.
So far it works because when it is sunny people will buy. When it is raining people will sell because they are depressed. An we all know that the big money is in New York.
This system might be for sale, or it might not be.
Membre depuis Jul 02, 2013   posts 56
Sep 28, 2013 at 17:48
There is a thing called , some guy named BumaSoft spent months creating these indicators.
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