Contest - aliforex (de aliforex)
Gain : | -80.08% |
Drawdown | 99.63% |
Pips: | 781.6 |
Transactions | 38 |
Gagné: |
Perdu: |
Type: | Démo |
Levier: | 1:500 |
Trading: | Inconnu |
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Discussion Contest - aliforex
Jul 17, 2014 at 06:23
Membre depuis Jun 12, 2013
posts 6
suttos posted:
yep, that bloody risk management thing will bite you in the bum every time wont it :)
my friend
is not bloody risk management,i do not in front of the chart in friday for brak even my position. and i say broker block my account when i want verify it because they do not accept iranian client. this means if i win in this contest nothing change they do not pay any prize to me.

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