Black Panther Live (de kinggy)

Gain : -214.39%
Drawdown 95.20%
Pips: -832.1
Transactions 251
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:400
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion Black Panther Live

Apr 10, 2010 at 19:20
Vues 1,524
7 Replies
Membre depuis Apr 10, 2010   posts 24
Apr 16, 2010 at 14:55
Black Panther did not trade well for this month (April 2010).
I notice some trades did profit but did not hit at the trailing stop.

I have decided to change the trailing stop from 70 pips to 15pips.
I think 15pips to 30pips profit is good for a lot size 0.1 ~ 0.3 trading by Black Panther with a small account. I'm trading with USD1000 account.

The back-test for 01 April 2010 to 16 April 2010 shows better result when changing the trailing stop from 70pips to 15pips.
Trade with Proper Money/ Risk Management
Membre depuis Sep 20, 2009   posts 15
Apr 16, 2010 at 17:09
If you're talking about this EA: than forget it. It is curve fitted and has been prepared only for backtesting.
Membre depuis Apr 10, 2010   posts 24
Apr 17, 2010 at 08:18

pipkoho posted:
If you're talking about this EA: than forget it. It is curve fitted and has been prepared only for backtesting.

Hi Pipkoho,
With appropriate settings like most EAs do, Black Panther should work better. 😄
I don't see Black Panther is only prepared for back-testing. Where did you get this information from?

Black Panther did profit very well for March 2010. We shall see how it should perform then. It's too early to tell for now. 😐
Trade with Proper Money/ Risk Management
Membre depuis Sep 20, 2009   posts 15
Apr 17, 2010 at 08:53
I don't want to post the code here. The EA did not trade in certain periods in 2008 and 2010. I guess due to huge losses this days and months has been coded into the EA.
08-01-2008 - 29-01-2008
14-03-2008 - 29-03-2008
02-10-2008 - 13-10-2008
On other pairs:
08-04-2008 - 14-04-2008
13-11-2008 - 14-11-2008
04-12-2008 - 13-12-2008
04-01-2010 - 07-01-2010
Membre depuis Apr 10, 2010   posts 24
Apr 20, 2010 at 10:28
This week starting on 19April 2010, I've make the following settings to the Black Panther:

Trailing-stop: 30pips

Trailing-stop: 10pips

I'll see how the trades goes for this week.
Trade with Proper Money/ Risk Management
Membre depuis Apr 10, 2010   posts 24
May 05, 2010 at 07:40
This month May 2010, I've made the following settings to the Black Panther:

Trailing-stop: 70pips

Trailing-stop: 70pips

They are the same settings as default.
Trade with Proper Money/ Risk Management
Membre depuis Apr 10, 2010   posts 24
May 21, 2010 at 12:01
I've added another currency pair EURUSD to trade with Black Panther.
The results seem good from other trader using Black Panther.
Trade with Proper Money/ Risk Management
Membre depuis Jan 18, 2010   posts 63
Aug 13, 2010 at 21:35

What happen with that account?
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