ATC_MD (de user'stwo)
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Discussion ATC_MD
Membre depuis Dec 05, 2009
posts 1
Membre depuis Feb 12, 2010
posts 12
Mar 16, 2010 at 20:24
(édité Mar 16, 2010 at 20:29)
Membre depuis Feb 12, 2010
posts 12
Hello to everybody.
I bought this expert advisor MD it was maybe before year and more and didnt use it so stupid... ,
maybe for 1 year it could be millionaire...Ha Ha HA
in the last time perform amazing!!!
So important update after FOCM, the MegaDroid done for me 49 pips, for less than 3 hours....incredable!!!
I am with the last ADT set with ADT Profile Reset Active modul.
My strategy is ADT Hybrid Set.
You can write me vinnieforex at gmail dot com
I bought this expert advisor MD it was maybe before year and more and didnt use it so stupid... ,
maybe for 1 year it could be millionaire...Ha Ha HA
in the last time perform amazing!!!
So important update after FOCM, the MegaDroid done for me 49 pips, for less than 3 hours....incredable!!!
I am with the last ADT set with ADT Profile Reset Active modul.
My strategy is ADT Hybrid Set.
You can write me vinnieforex at gmail dot com

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