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Asian Power (de Quick100)
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Discussion Asian Power
Dec 18, 2012 at 07:35
Membre depuis May 15, 2012
posts 234
4 EAs, 4 Pairs
Scalpers doin their work within Asian Session, the Grid works 24/5
Had 3 more pairs trading but deleted them because for 1k Balance one pair is best, more could
earth the account if an trend will occur so took them out now
and no, I wont share the EAs.....
what I will do is sometime next year setup an PAMM for this
Scalpers doin their work within Asian Session, the Grid works 24/5
Had 3 more pairs trading but deleted them because for 1k Balance one pair is best, more could
earth the account if an trend will occur so took them out now
and no, I wont share the EAs.....
what I will do is sometime next year setup an PAMM for this
Dec 25, 2012 at 08:13
Membre depuis May 15, 2012
posts 234
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