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Arief Nugroho Prasono (de Prasono)
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Discussion Arief Nugroho Prasono
Membre depuis Apr 30, 2010
posts 34
Membre depuis Apr 20, 2010
posts 808
Aug 02, 2010 at 00:51
Membre depuis Apr 20, 2010
posts 808
So is possible to have negative amount in live account?
As the web page of broker usually said you can not lose more than what you invest.
I only try that demo get negative, if real account get negative, we just need to change broker or are we liability to the old broker if still want to continue. Then it will contradict to what most FAQ said that you can not lose more than you invest, so are we been scam ?
As the web page of broker usually said you can not lose more than what you invest.
I only try that demo get negative, if real account get negative, we just need to change broker or are we liability to the old broker if still want to continue. Then it will contradict to what most FAQ said that you can not lose more than you invest, so are we been scam ?
Information is Gold when come to organised.
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