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Allan's ForEx (de Allan87)
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Discussion Allan's ForEx
Mar 31, 2012 at 21:25
Membre depuis Mar 22, 2012
posts 1
Hi Guys,
As a new ForEx trader I expect early growth to be minimal, and more likely a lot of losses! I am however following the many teachings of ICT, so money management rules are instilled in me from the get-go, and so I will be limiting risk to 2% of capital on each and every trade. My initials goal of 50 pips per week is modest, but adequate with respect to my experience I think. I will be using myfxbook to plot my progress and welcome any comments.
As a new ForEx trader I expect early growth to be minimal, and more likely a lot of losses! I am however following the many teachings of ICT, so money management rules are instilled in me from the get-go, and so I will be limiting risk to 2% of capital on each and every trade. My initials goal of 50 pips per week is modest, but adequate with respect to my experience I think. I will be using myfxbook to plot my progress and welcome any comments.
It's not about being right, it's about being profitable
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