Aletheia (de EximiusCM)

Gain : +70.52%
Drawdown 8.61%
Pips: 1190.6
Transactions 211
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:100
Trading: Manuel

Discussion Aletheia

Nov 25, 2019 at 12:19
Vues 715
4 Replies
Membre depuis Dec 16, 2018   posts 1
Nov 25, 2019 at 16:42
Hi i saw your performance and i am interested in your strategy. Can you please let me me know how we can discuss this.


Membre depuis Nov 25, 2019   posts 3
Nov 25, 2019 at 18:12

we perform account management for retail and institutional investors. Our strategy is proprietary and we can not disclose the details about the strategy other than risk management profile, trading style, etc.

We can only provide detailed info about potential investment with us.

Kind regards
Membre depuis Jan 05, 2016   posts 1097
Nov 25, 2019 at 23:19
EximiusCM posted:
we perform account management for retail and institutional investors. Our strategy is proprietary and we can not disclose the details about the strategy other than risk management profile, trading style, etc.
We can only provide detailed info about potential investment with us.
Kind regards

Hello, I took a look at your public trading history, it look pretty good, a little concerning because you're using a mixed basket of trades consisting of FX Pairs, Metals, and SP500.

The account would proabably not be appropriate for a a US Based trader due to restrictions imposed via regulation for US retail markets for things such as Metal pairs and a possible issue with FIFO. But not really an issue if it's not a US based account.

Overall though, the profitability looks pretty good and generally shows a good use of risk management.

It's hard to tell for sure about the risk management due to the SL and TP being hidden in the history.

Given the currently low DD% (approximately 8% on Nov. 25th, 2019) it does support the idea that you do use effective SL + TP targets rather than just random closures.

Just my opinion, but overall it looks pretty good. Nice job. keep it up.

* please note that my opinions are only that, just my opinions and not intended to be investment advice. *

If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Membre depuis Jan 05, 2016   posts 1097
Dec 17, 2019 at 22:34
You're account seems to no longer be verified.

Can you fix that?

It used to be verified when I check your trading previously but now it's unverified. What happened?

Fichiers joints:

If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Membre depuis Feb 27, 2017   posts 1
Feb 28, 2020 at 05:47
Professional4X, they cannot provide further details. They only have about 12 months of good data. I am with them and their style of trade is usually open without stoploss. I have attached my history as a results of ECM holding on to trades which are -6% and still holding on without stop loss.

The methodogy of low drawdown is not consistent with what is shown in the myfxaccount. I decided to end the trade aS my account is down 33%. Feel free to PM me for more verified details.

Professional4X posted:
You're account seems to no longer be verified.

Can you fix that?

It used to be verified when I check your trading previously but now it's unverified. What happened?

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