Agimat EA Demo (de GodAtum)

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Discussion Agimat EA Demo

Dec 12, 2019 at 21:45
Vues 878
1 Replies
Membre depuis Jan 11, 2020   posts 2
Jan 11, 2020 at 16:30
Hi DodAtum,

what is your opinion about the AGIMAT EA? Why are the lot sizes so small although you have a huge account balance? I'd even say that itt does not take risk?
Some of the other accounts running with AGIMAT EA show better results here on myfxbook. Iwonder why one and the same EA provides such mixed results on different accounts (some even during the same timeframe). Have you an explanation for that?

Best regards,
Membre depuis Aug 12, 2020   posts 6
Sep 26, 2020 at 16:08

I just started trading the Agimat FX2018pro+ EA (last 2020 update).
The drawdown has reached 8% in only five days for six pairs and 5400 euros. Do you recommended to drop two pairs of these six?:
I was thinking of stopping autotrading during a short period of time. Cancelling the basket of trades for two pairs, dropping the two pairs and then inject some money.
If so which ones would you drop?. Would you inject some money at the same time to make up for the loss?. Will the neural network be Ok with it?.
Please advise me on this matter.
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