Scalping Edition Risk 15% (de kasparsvas16)
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Discussion Scalping Edition Risk 15%
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018
posts 250
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018
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Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018
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Oct 04, 2020 at 10:28
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018
posts 250
Chatzoo posted:
Is this the same system?
Forex Final + Scalping HollandTrader EA MT4 expert advisor traiding robot?
when you buy EA you receive this Scalping edition and also you will receive different ea called Final edition
so you will receive 2 different expert advisor
in scalping edition is includet hidden sl and tp, but on final edition it have fixed sl and tp
also in scalping edition we remove all long term strategy's.
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018
posts 250
Oct 07, 2020 at 01:31
Membre depuis Aug 23, 2020
posts 4
I have a couple questions about the expert
Q1 : Does the EA use martingale, cost averaging, gridding, hedging type of strategies ?
Q2 : In the chart is this a demo account ?
Q3 : is the system manual trade or auto ?
Q4 : why did you make the strategy profile private ?
Q5: if the expert is working very well why are you selling it i mean if you are making millions wiht it why dont keep it for yourself?
Q1 : Does the EA use martingale, cost averaging, gridding, hedging type of strategies ?
Q2 : In the chart is this a demo account ?
Q3 : is the system manual trade or auto ?
Q4 : why did you make the strategy profile private ?
Q5: if the expert is working very well why are you selling it i mean if you are making millions wiht it why dont keep it for yourself?
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018
posts 250
Oct 07, 2020 at 07:12
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018
posts 250
1. no it not use any risky strategy
2. it was demo yes.
3. it is fully auto
4. i not make it private, i delete it and leave on my profile just last version of expert advisor trading.
5. why i need keep it just for me, i want to help peoples like me who was lost they money on forex, all income of selling, just for promoting website and youtube channel.
2. it was demo yes.
3. it is fully auto
4. i not make it private, i delete it and leave on my profile just last version of expert advisor trading.
5. why i need keep it just for me, i want to help peoples like me who was lost they money on forex, all income of selling, just for promoting website and youtube channel.
Membre depuis Jun 10, 2020
posts 35
Membre depuis Jul 14, 2020
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Membre depuis Jun 22, 2020
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Membre depuis Dec 15, 2019
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Nov 13, 2020 at 10:19
Membre depuis Dec 15, 2019
posts 1
kasparsvas16 posted:
1. no it not use any risky strategy
2. it was demo yes.
3. it is fully auto
4. i not make it private, i delete it and leave on my profile just last version of expert advisor trading.
5. why i need keep it just for me, i want to help peoples like me who was lost they money on forex, all income of selling, just for promoting website and youtube channel.
"I want to help peoples", obviously making millions. Why spending money on "THINGS" when you can buy at only 120€ your treasure?!
Membre depuis Jul 03, 2020
posts 33
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018
posts 250

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