Position x4 (de forex_trader_3361985)
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Discussion Position x4

Membre depuis Jul 22, 2023
posts 13
Dec 10, 2023 at 11:16
Membre depuis Jul 22, 2023
posts 13
lilya0908 posted:
Hello! Do you have a history of trading on real accounts?
Hello Lilya0908!
I prefer to keep the details of my real accounts private. However, I can share that the demo account results for this specific strategy are identical to the real account results so far. The key uncertainty lies in whether this strategy will maintain a 100% win rate in the future — a question I'm actively monitoring.
In the current situation, my approach is to leverage it. Capitalizing on opportunities while the strategy is effective is crucial. Making the most of favorable conditions and optimizing gains is part of the game.

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