Menkent Weekly MAR 31 2014 APR 06 2014 Loadtest (de pipable)

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Discussion Menkent Weekly MAR 31 2014 APR 06 2014 Loadtest

Apr 06, 2014 at 18:11
Vues 876
6 Replies
Membre depuis Jan 02, 2014   posts 28
Apr 06, 2014 at 18:21
lol of course it's not bad if you open so big positions.
what leverege did you set?
Membre depuis Oct 25, 2013   posts 62
Apr 06, 2014 at 18:26
Ilyezz posted:
lol of course it's not bad if you open so big positions.
what leverege did you set?

This is a loadtest meaning how big of a lot size can u test without the EA failing. So the point of it is that menkent did really good this week with or without news detection capability.

Membre depuis Jan 02, 2014   posts 28
Apr 06, 2014 at 18:54
Thank you for your explanations, but why the trades aren't the same than those in our real accounts?

Membre depuis Oct 25, 2013   posts 62
Apr 06, 2014 at 18:58
Ilyezz posted:
Thank you for your explanations, but why the trades aren't the same than those in our real accounts?

excellent question. because menkent didnt close the trades last week and the open trades closed mid week and that affected the trades which should have been opened.

Also as trades didn't close last week, we didn't charge the customers for 1 week and every subscriber got a free week of subscription.

Membre depuis Jan 02, 2014   posts 28
Apr 06, 2014 at 19:16
so those 2 trades did not allow the opening of other trades that would be profitable 😞
I take this opportunity to thank you for the free week even you were not compelled.
Membre depuis Oct 25, 2013   posts 62
Apr 06, 2014 at 19:23
Ilyezz posted:
so those 2 trades did not allow the opening of other trades that would be profitable 😞
I take this opportunity to thank you for the free week even you were not compelled.

It is my pleasure. Our mission is to keep customers satisfied not to make money. Follow success and money will follow you...rule of thumb :)
Membre depuis Jan 02, 2014   posts 28
May 13, 2014 at 19:50
pipable posted:
Ilyezz posted:
so those 2 trades did not allow the opening of other trades that would be profitable 😞
I take this opportunity to thank you for the free week even you were not compelled.

It is my pleasure. Our mission is to keep customers satisfied not to make money. Follow success and money will follow you...rule of thumb :)

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