ImmortalHG2020 (de ahmadmusavi952)
Gain : | +604109.84% |
Drawdown | 49.62% |
Pips: | 2554.1 |
Transactions | 952 |
Gagné: |
Perdu: |
Qualité de modèle: | 99.9% |
Barres en test: | 372707 |
Ticks Modélisés: | 30066111 |
Test préalable
Immortal HG2020
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Discussion ImmortalHG2020
Sep 23, 2020 at 19:48
Membre depuis Apr 19, 2016
posts 5
Good afternoon, I am interested in the ImmortalHG2020 system
Could it be tested, each or simultaneously on a dedicated server on a real account?
At the moment there is a server in Frankfurt (GBR) and 2 accounts in Roboforex, the servers of this broker are also located in Germany
Sincerely Mr /
Could it be tested, each or simultaneously on a dedicated server on a real account?
At the moment there is a server in Frankfurt (GBR) and 2 accounts in Roboforex, the servers of this broker are also located in Germany
Sincerely Mr /
Market for life, not - life for the market!
Sep 30, 2020 at 20:11
Membre depuis Sep 25, 2020
posts 2
mr ImmortalHG2020
what is that cost for this system can you contact my please my email is [email protected]
mr ImmortalHG2020
what is that cost for this system can you contact my please my email is [email protected]
Membre depuis Jul 03, 2020
posts 1
Membre depuis Aug 20, 2017
posts 1

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