USDCZK Exchange Rate


Dólar estadounidense frente a corona checa Exchange Rate (USD to CZK)

+0.09% +211.9 pips
Bid/Ask: 23.17320/23.15201
Intervalo cotidiano: 23.09289 - 23.21649
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FRB and CNB Interest Rates

United States Federal Reserve 5.0% 5.5% 21 días
Czech Republic Czech National Bank 4.25% 4.5% 21 días

Latest USDCZK News

U.S. Import Prices Decrease 0.4% In September, In Line With Estimates

U.S. Import Prices Decrease 0.4% In September, In Line With Estimates

Reflecting a sharp drop by prices for fuel imports, the Labor Department released a report on Wednesday showing a continued decrease by prices for U.S. imports in the month of September. The Labor Department said import prices fell by 0.4 percent in September after slipping by a revised 0.2 percent in August. The decline matched economist estimates.
RTTNews | hace 11h 59min
New York Manufacturing Index Indicates Return To Contraction In October

New York Manufacturing Index Indicates Return To Contraction In October

Following a significant turnaround in the previous month, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York released a report on Tuesday showing regional manufacturing activity has returned to contraction in the month of October. The New York Fed said its general business conditions index tumbled to a negative 11.9 in October from a positive 11.5 in September, with a negative reading indicating contraction.
RTTNews | hace 1

USDCZK Exchange Rates Analysis

análisis USDCZK - Datos históricos USDCZK seleccionables por rango de fechas y periodo de tiempo.

Volatilidad USDCZK - Análisis de la volatilidad de las divisas en tiempo real USDCZK.

Correlación USDCZK - Análisis de correlación de divisas en tiempo real USDCZK.

Indicadores USDCZK - USDCZK indicadores en tiempo real.

Modelos USDCZK - USDCZK modelos de precios en tiempo real.