USDCZK Exchange Rate


Dólar estadounidense frente a corona checa Exchange Rate (USD to CZK)

-0.15% -352.8 pips
Bid/Ask: 24.14540/24.18068
Intervalo cotidiano: 24.05558 - 24.34769
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FRB and CNB Interest Rates

United States Federal Reserve 4.5% 4.75% 7 días
Czech Republic Czech National Bank 4.0% 4.0% 14 días

Latest USDCZK News

U.S. Housing Starts Skyrocket To Ten-Month High In December

U.S. Housing Starts Skyrocket To Ten-Month High In December

A report released by the Commerce Department on Friday showed new residential construction in the U.S. surged by much more than anticipated in the month of December. The Commerce Department said housing starts soared by 15.8 percent to an annual rate of 1.499 million in December after tumbling by 3.7 percent to a revised rate of 1.294 million in November.
RTTNews | hace 5

USDCZK Exchange Rates Analysis

análisis USDCZK - Datos históricos USDCZK seleccionables por rango de fechas y periodo de tiempo.

Volatilidad USDCZK - Análisis de la volatilidad de las divisas en tiempo real USDCZK.

Correlación USDCZK - Análisis de correlación de divisas en tiempo real USDCZK.

Indicadores USDCZK - USDCZK indicadores en tiempo real.

Modelos USDCZK - USDCZK modelos de precios en tiempo real.