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StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 30, 2012 at 00:05
Wow! Thank you for that. I was actually just sitting here thinking, "Should I just shut this whole thing down? It is really worth the headache?"While that answer is still probably no 😁 I don't quit much. I will press on. Thanks again.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 30, 2012 at 00:02
Nope, not an identity of mine, but if the username is the same, it's a customer.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 29, 2012 at 23:32
You know what? That may be the truest thing said in this thread so far. This has turned out to be an enormous pain in my ass.A web marketer did design the site. I though we established that. I had someone design a site for me. But it's still me. Still my account. Still selling them for $300.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 29, 2012 at 23:31
What kills me in the end, is you never mention the obvious... this: Almost a quarter of a million dollars, real, and verified:
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 29, 2012 at 23:26
You're an idiot: When you add an account to Myfxbook it defaults to real. I have fixed that so any idiot like you can figure it out. What you've found is simply the longest running MT4 history that we have. What you've also found is two of my fund management firms, which we trade for very successfully. The live account, is and always will be this one. Get used to it. You see the thing is SteveStalker, is that everyone already knows about Archer. Everyone already knows about the demo, in fact... when I debuted this product I showed people this:
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 29, 2012 at 13:40
Steve Stalker. Again, the ratio, the bands, etc. is a tiny fraction of the system. You still do not get it. I feel like I'm talking to a tree here. Please, I beg of you... READ the site. READ up on trading systems. READ up on statistical arbitrage before you come back spouting nonsense (and you will... you cannot help yourself). You understand so little of what's going on here. It's not limiting me, it's limiting you. You're so hell bent on discrediting me or my trading system, that you cannot see the forest through the trees. Open your mind. No, I'm not asking you to a...
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 29, 2012 at 13:16
I feel like, "Good for you! You've coded 0.01% of the system. Just 10 thousand more weeks to go at this rate!"
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 29, 2012 at 12:16
My guess? Enough people thought your posts were useless and offensive and reported them and Myfxbook took action.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 29, 2012 at 03:14
Statistically about 20 trades a month. That said, the last 45 days have been excruciatingly slow as the market volatility has died down as it does a lot of times in the summer months. As it's picking back up trades will come more frequently. Today the algo picked out 5 or 6 more pairs to watch. It should resume some semblance of normalcy very soon.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 29, 2012 at 00:54
And by the way, Matlab isn't hard work. If you're familiar with C++, spend a few weeks at the Mathworks campus. They'll get you sorted out.You can code the entry and exit system in a few hours. I did. The picking algorithm though... best of luck. You're going to need more than that Metaeditor compiler.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 29, 2012 at 00:48
I didn't force you Steve Stalker. That's complete BS. Any person visiting this thread can see that you came here, tried to discredit me, failed, tried again, failed and we can repeat this for as long as you want. But, since you're obviously a glutton for punishment... let me pick apart your illogical logic once again:You are truly showing what you don't understand about statistical arbitrage Steve Stalker. You've coded the ratio of the closing prices of two pairs. Bravo! An entry and exit system is needed for any trading system. Statistical arbitrage is no different. You ca...
StatArb Intraday Experimental
Obchodní systémy
Aug 27, 2012 at 02:20
As per the general info tab: "NOT currently for sale. This is the release candidate for the next EA (unnamed), which is slated for November 2012 release depending on the results of testing."
StatArb Intraday Experimental
Obchodní systémy
Aug 27, 2012 at 02:17
(double post)
StatArb Intraday Experimental
Obchodní systémy
Aug 27, 2012 at 00:37
Because it's still in testing. No one has access to this except for me. Once it's ready we'll start a brand new live account with all the default settings. I quickly learned with the release of the StatArb Pro EA that people are inherently skeptical of everything so when the time comes, we'll dedicate a completely open, brand new account to this EA.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 19:31
Ah, OK. Now I understand. I'll change it. I appreciate you pointing that out.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:57
Please visit've compiled a list of compatible brokerages and the capital requirements.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:54
Wow, and now you're being a child. I think we're done here.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:50
Wow, so we're already back to that? Now you're arguing just for the sake of arguing. Are you sure you're not my ex-wife? See my response on the previous page.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:43
Stevie, There are magic numbers and global variables, but just a few things: 1) An EA can track trades by comments, global variables, magic numbers, a GUID, and many other ways. Your argument is becoming less and less valid with every post you make. 2) You still cannot debate that the performance is there.3) You still cannot substantiate your claims of being some semblance of a trader. My performance is out there for the world to see. I only ask that you back your side of the argument with something, performance, studies, research, anything... otherwise you're honestly just another guy ins...
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:19
And this is actually quite amusing on a Sunday morning. Just know that right now, until you post something of your own, showing everyone that you actually know what you're talking about. Until you can show that you've got experience or results that would justify criticizing mine, it's you, not me who looks look like quite the fool and I'll keep asking you to post them until you do. Honestly, I'll be the first guy to congratulate you on your results if they're there!
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