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James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Jun 17, 2019 at 06:35
Money will be very difficult to be recovered .... I think those who lives in malaysia should make POLICE REPORT about MIA Founder, and let police do the job ... maybe in the end they will still be released .. but at least MIA founder should be questioned and hopefully covered by media.I already try hard to explain to you all in this forum and lowyat forum .. all evidence about this money game ... and I just hope some of the readers not got scammed after read my posts.
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Jun 04, 2019 at 10:05
they said the broker was HACKED !!!I wonder if any of you believe that ??Not yet 1 year from my warning in this discussion
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Oct 31, 2018 at 07:42
And for all new comer to this discussion, you can start read from :,4 --> see comparison of FINTECHFX LINCENSE and REAL Forex Brokerjust continue read and you can see how MIA - FintechFX create FAKE TRADIMG.'Just stay away from this game ...
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Oct 29, 2018 at 08:15
It doesn't really matter to MIA - FintechFX, because from the beginning they are UNREGULATED Forex Broker, so even ASIC revoke their license (as investment company, never have forex broker licenses) maybe they will still operate, because their HQ (if exists) are at SVG (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines).And just got info from lowyat forum, withdrawal number already over 29000 request .. (FYI from 2017 to August 2018 only have 3000 WD request), so right now MIA - FintechFX is getting tight on cashflow :D and because they still want to get new member, they "must" approve all WD re...
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Oct 25, 2018 at 07:16
From MIA member of course ... I still have friend that still join MIA - FintechFx, but because he only invest $1000, then even he already got ~10 downline / group member, he will not get Group Profit bonus unless he topup to $3000, he only got broker profit as usual.And only moneygamer / ponzi scheme enthusiast that join MIA - FintechFX on their own, they hope to got more profit before MIA - FintechFX colapse ... so even FintechFX does not have ASIC / NFA License to operate as Forex Broker, they don't mind.
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Oct 23, 2018 at 08:26
Before Withdrawal Rush ... minimum deposit is $1000 .. and you can have group profit for MLM level.But After Withdrawal Rush, minimum deposit is $3000 for new member, and for old member if you do not top up your deposit to $3000 /$5000 .. then you will not get group profit bonus :D :DI'm eager to see what scenario will be brought by MIA - Fintech when they lose all of the client money ...
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Oct 12, 2018 at 09:48
Got this info from MIA member,==================================================================================Dear members, As per requested, we are pleased to announce the James Harrison Executive (JHe) program is re-open and limited to 300 accounts only. The minimum investment amount per account is 120,000 USD. JHe privileges:-1. EXTRA 3-5% profit monthly2. EXTRA 3-5 special trades every month (Risk involved)3. 80:20 profit sharing 4. FREE exclusive JHe badge5. VIP privilege in all MIA official events* Terms and conditions apply Please kindly refer your leaders or marketing departmen...
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Sep 26, 2018 at 10:27
just check it on can try to see what page shown on that domain at different time of capture ... NEO MASS pages only set-up on january 2018, at least on End of 2016 the domain is still on sale.
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Sep 24, 2018 at 11:06
Ah .. I Understand now ... so you are MIA - FintechFx person, thats why you defend it even with nonsense reasoning :) for NFA, just see NFA email reply in my previous post regarding FintechFX status.and you said FintechFX registered in ASIC as Investment Company, so you ACKNOWLEDGE NOW that FintechFX is UNLINCENSED to be a FOREX BROKER, so as Forex Broker, FintechFX is NOT REGULATED by ASIC.Just from this two point it is clear that MIA - FintechFX already MISLEAD their new investor candidate to think that FintechFX is REGULATED by NFA & ASIC. (see your MIA_PPT EN_v8 2018.PDF page 28)F...
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Sep 18, 2018 at 06:50
oh yeah @AxeTrader what do you think about MIA & FintechFX claim about ASIC and NFA License, that found out to be FALSE ?Are you still have trust in MIA - FintechFX ? With no regulation, unknown segregate account, fishy fake trading. The point is they lied to you even from the start when they approach you. Are you okay to be LIED ON ?what do you think as investor? as trader ? is it okay to be fooled ?
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Sep 18, 2018 at 06:49
I'll inform them .. if they want they can post them-self here ... And their bank info should be CORRECT, because they already WD small amount of capital and also WD profit last month, and it came very fast in the past (only 2 days from submit in fintechfx to their bank account)Of course they also escalate this issue to their MIA sponsor / manager in their group to be followed up to MIA management / fintechfx, but still got no further info right now.Btw in their MIA group (whatsapp group), they're warned to not promote MIA or discuss MIA issue in social media (facebook, twitter, forums,...
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Sep 17, 2018 at 10:49
The point is FintechFX claimed to be regulated by NFA and ASIC ... but evidences proofed that they DO NOT have NFA & ASIC licenses as Forex Broker.Are you sure there is no issue now :D just try to withdraw your capital, and see if they can keep their SLA (5 - 7 working days)I have many friend that complained that their profit and capital withdraw from fintechfx has been delayed OR ignored ... the status already "RELEASED" in fintechfx website, but the money is not coming to the bank even got status "RELEASED" from 3-sept-2018 but no money transferred ti...
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Sep 17, 2018 at 08:06
NFA reply regarding FintechFX status : FintechFX is not registered to NFA...but for common people when they see FintechFX shown on NFA website they just believe it without understanding what exempt mean.Oh yeah, just got info that their withdrawal process either profit or capital are very very delayed if not ignored.. it seems more than 12,000 withdrawal request is submitted on this month.
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Sep 12, 2018 at 07:11
Why Not Possible, when they also own the broker (FintechFX and Odin Capital)myfxbook only retrieve trading history from server, right now myfxbook is not verifying if the trading is genuine or faked. verified status only mean that the trading history data is really on broker server.
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Sep 07, 2018 at 05:31
hahaha, my apologize m(_ _)m , it turns out you are trader master sifu .... 😉and I see your trading performance is great, and your real account is on IC Market , so your profile is much much more reliable than this James Harrison that trading on FintechFX :) :)btw .. so I guess you should agree that "Refreshed Data" from broker should give same chart in any computer right ..
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Sep 06, 2018 at 07:29
Maybe for that case (same broker, different data) there is issue in MT4 client/network delay so some computer missing "ticks" from broker.But MT4 data can be "REFRESHED" so All missing / different data will be RE-DOWNLOADED from broker, just try this in your MT4 that have different chart data on SAME BROKER. Just Right-Click on chart and click refresh, then all different / missing data will be updated. you do the refresh, please inform us in this forum, if you STILL have "Different Chart on SAME Broker&q...
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Sep 05, 2018 at 10:29
also I didn't get what you mean with chart above ? what do you want to share, is it spread? yes spread on fintechfx occurs on ask/buy price (ask price = bid/sell + spread), and candle data on fintechfx is based on bid/sell price. so ALL bid price (can be start sell OR end of buy) should be on candle data, if not then it's indication of fake trading
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Sep 03, 2018 at 11:22
for your fund safety, if you still hope that MIA is not scam, just try to withdraw almost all your fund, and just left behind $1000 on FintechFX Investment Point as minimal mandatory amount for MIA member.this way if you already have a large network in MIA, you will still got Group Profit bonus / Unilevel profit bonus / Leadership bonus that usually much bigger than Personal Profit Sharing.if your withdrawal amount is huge > 20K, just hope that your money will be really transferred, if after 5-7 working days the money is not arrived then it's a sign they start collapsing.this way yo...
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Sep 02, 2018 at 14:58
it's a different caseSlippage refers to the difference between the expected price of a trade and the price at which the trade is actually executed. Slippage often occurs during periods of higher volatility when market orders are used( if you experience slippage (different from EA price / SL / TP that you have set), the bid price STILL ON THE CANDLE chart, because it's market execution price, all bid execution should be on the candle range.But MIA-FintechFX suspected to do "manual back-door entry" trading to their mt4 serve...
James Harrison
Obchodní systémy
Aug 31, 2018 at 07:42
Ok, I know the problem ... it should be http not https, but when posted in this forum it automatically changed to https, so you just manualy copy the text "" (when I type this its http not https) and if it shown as https, just remove the "s" or you can see original text by "quote" the post.
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