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Parsing open trades HTML with a spider
Oct 27, 2020 at 12:21
Hi Everyone,been trying to parse and copy positions directly for those systems that make their open trades available to the public. However, I've found inconsistencies. There are some operations that are not listed as open and the closing time does not match either. Are open trades intentionally altered to prevent this? or is that from system to system? I understand that each trader controls that from MT4 ?Regards
sPhantom Auto Trader
Obchodní systémy
Mar 18, 2014 at 19:28
I was REALLY interested on MEA/MFE analysis some time ago, run lots of simulations in different platforms, including my own. I would say that it's now about making a better signal, you can build a very successfull system based in a random signal by optimization of RRR and MEA/MFE.In the long range every signal has a 50% success rate; it's still random no matter how good a backtesting looks.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Obchodní systémy
Mar 16, 2014 at 17:34
Yeah, thanks. The thing is... when you install sPhantom, mt4 installation paths need to be specified so anybody would guess that it would be copied to each installation's /Expert/ and /Libraries/ folder which it DOES NOT.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Obchodní systémy
Mar 16, 2014 at 14:02
Thanks a lot willgart, copied ex4 and library file to the new MT4 isntallation.What a piece of crap this software is, it doesn't even copy two files right. Will set a live account, make 300 USD profit and buy some other EA.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Obchodní systémy
Mar 16, 2014 at 13:50
Hello everyone,I have installed MetaTrader 4 from FXCM, build 6000. Tried to install sPhantom installer to this fresh client installation but it does not get listed in the Expert Adivsors tree.Any ideas?
Is forex gambling?
Zkušení obchodníci
Mar 12, 2014 at 20:09
Gomez is spanish and as you don't have money to travel you would know that in south america most of us are called Gomez; it's not a Mexican surname, it's Spanish.Taco brain, that's funny. I remember logging in to your computer to see those greate HEDGE/MARTINGALE strategies and your computer was in Chineese while you were asking me to invest in your shitty strategy. Pretty scummy, hugh?I can imagine how pathetic should be to get your 60s and try to make money from a mediocre forex strategy/scam; I understand the pain in your words.
Is forex gambling?
Zkušení obchodníci
Mar 12, 2014 at 15:26
This guy forexpipcatcha is funny; he a acts as he was a forex super star genius when he came to may asking for programming services for a "PURE SCIENCE MATHEMATICAL STRATEGY THAT WON'T FAIL", it was a hedged martingale strategy that blew up a 10.000USD virtual account startin with a 0.1 Lot size in less than 2 months.HEY, HAVE YOU HEARD FROM NASA YET? THEY WANT TO BUY YOUR SCIENTIFIC STRATEGY TO FOUND MARS 2025.Also, besides being PATHETIC, BE AWARE WITH THIS GUY. He is probably looking to fraud. While I talked to him on Skype he showed me some accounts to impress me and mentione...
Pipable :: Menkent
Obchodní systémy
Mar 03, 2014 at 21:15
Well, I can tell you how this is a trap. You are setting no StopLoss on your positions, so your Risk/Reward ratio cannot be calculated. Based on previous similar strategys like sPhantom and FxPapa I would guess that your running a 250 pips stop loss, which for a TP level of 10, customers are dealing with a RRR of 1:25; some time in the near future account will be blown.You are using the same covering strategy than the other previous EAs; opening a second position in the same direction when initial position is around 30 pips out of the money; that's how sPhantom got blown with a 1100% losse...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Obchodní systémy
Feb 28, 2014 at 15:15
sPhantom Auto Trader
Obchodní systémy
Feb 28, 2014 at 15:01
I bought my degree on the ONLINE SCIENCE UNIVERSITY FOR NASA ASTRONAUTS; it's a cheap university. They use the term "PURE SCIENCE" as refference to multiplying by 3.Did everyone here know that this guy Skype's account name is "EXPERT ADVISOR"? How scammy is that? BE AWARE; this is a poor idiot trying to steal money.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Obchodní systémy
Feb 28, 2014 at 14:24
Of course! intelligente productive as a hedged martingale strategy being called "Pure Science" and talking bullshit about being your own broker.IMO, next step was asking me for money and becoming partners. Step after that would be, YOU dissapearing.Did you write to NASA astronauts? They are still waiting for your call for founding MARS 2025; they are low on budget.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Obchodní systémy
Feb 27, 2014 at 17:45
You are right! Indeed I have just received a call from NASA, they are very interested on your algorithm but they are afraid of not understanding it. It seems they are low on budget for Mars exploration but they want to pull some money from Forex.These guys know some maths but they are not sure they would fully understand your PURE SCIENCE strategy. Which is about multiplying by 2 the lot your last position.So write to them at
[email protected]
- they are waiting for you.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Obchodní systémy
Feb 27, 2014 at 16:26
Had a couple of interviews with him by skype and spent some time on his ideas. He started asking me if I was ready to develop a PURE MATHEMATICAL strategy, top classified by it's nature. So I said, Sure, I can help you to program that. I wrote a trading platform by myself which I use for simulating strategies in long periods of time.His strategy ended up being a hedged-martingale system in which a 3 month simulation ended up opening positions of 27 Lots. His response to this was "I knew that would happen, I can afford a 27 Lot position". Ok cool, but be aware that next position w...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Obchodní systémy
Feb 27, 2014 at 14:10
Still don't get what's the second trade about. It looks like when a position has gone -25 PIps away, opens a position in the same direction.Can anybody tell me what is it about, please? Is this EA assuming that MAE is around 25 Pips and after that it should bounce back to positive levels?
sPhantom Auto Trader
Obchodní systémy
Feb 26, 2014 at 01:45
Hey, thanks for sharing. Got a question on your script:StopLossPts = 600. Is that 60 or 600 Pips for stop loss?Do I need to run this script each time a new position is being openned?
sPhantom Auto Trader
Obchodní systémy
Feb 20, 2014 at 17:31
Can anyone explain to me how does sPhantoms covering work? It looks like a hedge but in the same direction than original trend and not oppposite. This doesn't make sense,it's like doubling the lot of a positions that has gone away out of the money.Also, does anyone know about how their signals are started? Is there a real team as developer say they are or it's just a single EA running on signals?
sPhantom Auto Trader
Obchodní systémy
Feb 19, 2014 at 16:51
Loser! with a capital L
Is forex gambling?
Zkušení obchodníci
Feb 14, 2014 at 12:33
You are contradicting your self.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Obchodní systémy
Feb 04, 2014 at 20:17
Yes, I am a user of this system, bought it day 22 from last month, running an IBFX test account.I don't want my money back because I was aware of the risk. I don't blame others. I don't investigate where other users were at a specific date beacuse I DON'T GIVE A FUCK and I did to my self the two questions mentioned above.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Obchodní systémy
Feb 04, 2014 at 15:01
That's not even close to reality. The CEO and Engineer of a company that builds bridges give you an explicit warranty that bridge won't fall; that's their job - making bridges which persist in time.Forex equals risk. And you accepted it from the beginning and if you are not yet convinced read the U.S. Government Required Risk Disclaimer again and CFTC RULE 4.41.
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