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forex_trader_7497 tarafından yazılan gönderiler
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 27, 2010 at 08:01
HiRIDER indeed hits stop loss on 2/4 in backtest. I can confirm others.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 27, 2010 at 02:45
I've been enjoying manual trading and my main real account is still strictly manual.But I must say EA and automated trading is really fun too. It has its own potential and limitation.If you can combine several complementary EA (diversify and spread risk), reduce down the risk of each strategy to acceptable level and play with the MM, then there just may be a way to deliver a consistent performance and smooth equity curve every month. May not be that 100% that newbies are looking for, but 5-15% a month consistent profit / month is my target.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 27, 2010 at 01:34
Per the manual, it says the following:LotsRiskReductor - defines the risk for Money Management system. For example, if you set LotsRiskReductor = 5, then EA will risk 5% of your available margin to open "a new position" and will calculate the lot size accordingly.I don't think HiRIDER opening 10 trades is considered one trade event. I have put a limit to HiRIDER to 5 max trades prior to the disaster several days ago (I have since reduce it to a maximum of 2 now). I have put $10K money trading live with Fusion. UseMM = True, LotsRiskReductor = 1.5. My broker only accepts 0.1 minim...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 26, 2010 at 17:50
EA will not open the same exact trades in different brokers. Even with the same brokers, it sometimes doesn't open the same trades. You could check this with any EA. Sometimes one person's EA open a trade and close with a loss, and sometimes another person has an open trade closing with profit. There's a lot of factors involved: spread, connectivity, reputation of brokers, etc.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 26, 2010 at 16:34
Lots Risk Reductor at 5.0 means that EACH position is going to risk 5% of your account. So let's say HiRIDER strategy 2 opens 10 positions for you simulataneously, then you are risking 50% of your account with just one HiRIDER strategy.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 26, 2010 at 16:01
There's a 2 month data for LMD, as well as the result of backtesting. From the backtesting, look for drawdown % for each currency pair, the mismatch data, and the profitability in general. Fusion also has forward testing data since Jan. The original developer already did all the backtesting and the report could be studied.Data can be compiled, filtered, and analyzed. EUR USD, EUR CHF, and USD CAD are not too profitable and should be turned off. Here's the 2 month competition data result attached.I actually find LMD to be really good if you could take out those three above.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 26, 2010 at 15:45
No wonder. He was asking for someone to send him Fusion V.2 by email before with an excuse he couldn't log into FRWC website.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 26, 2010 at 09:45
SuperVolcano is getting the revenge. Very nice comeback. It's winning overall now.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 25, 2010 at 14:30
SV does not have a hard stop loss unless you choose to put it. It only closes the position when the internal indicator detects a high volatility as measured by chaikin volatility. If the open trade is a long trade, then it will only close the position when the internal indicator detects a high volatility buying. The problem now is what if there's a strong selling pressure for a PROLONGED period with no considerable reversal UP. The internal indicator has to wait for a significant reversal UP before it detects a high volatility and closes the position. You can therefore sit with a trade in ...
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 25, 2010 at 07:59
Some problems with EAKAIN, seems like it's a reverse engineering of MD Prohttp://bestforexea.com/2010/02/seeking-closure/#more-1534
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 25, 2010 at 06:48
So how do you make a trailing stop loss for Super Volcano? The default setting does not have the stop loss, right? Do you assign a fixed stop loss in the parameter?
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 25, 2010 at 06:37
Closing in profit (like Steve's 10 HiRIDER trades) is purely based on gambling and stupid luck. The trade logic can't be justified whatsoever. My HiRIDER in fact opened 10 duplicate buy positions two days ago at 1.363 and now still in a huge red since the rally yesterday didn't reach 1.3642 which is the 12 pip TP target. It's most likely going to hit that 210 pip Stop Loss today. That's 21% drawdown in equity for ya. If it still does not hit SL, then I will attribute that to stupid luck again. I would much rather go to Vegas and gamble my money awayLike you pointed out from...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 24, 2010 at 14:27
I just checked sparkz site again. He currently only has 1 open order USD CAD from LMD and no pending order from Straasha. I thought Straasha should not open more than 1 position at a time. If it loses this one position, then it will keep increasing the next lot by a multiplier of 4 until the loss is recovered.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 24, 2010 at 09:44
Yes, it's still too early to judge now. By the way, I check sparkz account http://www.myfxbook.com/members/sparkz/fusion-v/17807 and he seems to get a lot less trades than Steve or bugboy, and very good equity curve! Mine also get much fewer trades, similar to his.My Super Volcano is not making any trade today while I see some of you get 2 or 3 trades. My LMD is also not making any trade.Straasha is a disaster waiting to happen strategy I think. It's a 4 pip scalping strategy with a risk reward of approximately 16:1. That is risking $100 to get $6 if you use 0.1 lot. When you lose, it ...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 24, 2010 at 00:54
Nice try. Why don't you send FRWC an email or give them a call so that they could send it to you by email. If you are an authentic buyer, then they surely will help you.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 23, 2010 at 23:52
I am still not too familiar with Straasha, still experimenting it now with 0.1 minimum lot size. The open order does not show stop loss, so I wonder when the maximum loss parameter kicks in.HiRIDER straegy 1 is better turned off for sure. I have analyzed past data and it's not profitable. I set HiRIDER MaxLot to 1 now, I think this is the sensible thing to do. If the trade goes wrong, you risk 2.1% of equity. If the trade goes right, then only get 0.12% gain.But since it's scalping technique, opportunities will come very often throughout the day. I just limit it to 1 trade per setup.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 23, 2010 at 15:23
I'm surprised it could last for two months during the competition. With this kind of very short term scalping method, when TP is not hit after 1 hour, the whole logic of why the trade is taken becomes invalid and we are at the mercy of the market and just plainly relying on dumb luck. If anyone wants to use this system for a long run, they should set maximum concurrent trade at 1 or 2 at the very maximum. Anything above that is risking too much equity and gambling. A good short term scalping logic should reach the TP within very short time, which this system does not.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 23, 2010 at 11:38
Today Strategy2 HiRIDER opens 10 same freaking buy positions around 1.362. It's a strategy of let's just trade and pray for the best 🙄. Sooner or later it's gonna crash I think. There should be input parameters to limit the # of open positions per strategy. I don't want strategy2 to open 10 same positions for me. This is like saying I'm willing to risk 21% of my equity in one single HiRIDER strategy if the trade goes wrong.Super Volcano is still acting cool. Bugboy has 4 SV open positions, each with -170 pips. That's a total of -640 pips, and SV still refuse to ...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 23, 2010 at 02:05
I haven't fully understood Super Volcano, but it seems to be quite dangerous as well.The manual said that it buys when volatility (measured by chaikin volatility indicator) is high and price has gone down and vice versa. Then it will close position using the opposite logic of the open trade, and it trades during specific hours. There's no hard stop loss in place unless you put it in the parameter. No trailing stop loss, no take profit target. All based whether the internal indicator satisfies the criteria of a high volatility before closing a position.Theoretically, this means you coul...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 23, 2010 at 01:55
I will do the backtest on that date soon, but which strategy of HiRIDER hits the 10 Stop Losses on that unlucky day? Based on the competition data, the forward demo test, and the live test, it's safe to say that it's better to switch off Strategy 1 of HiRIDER.I still don't understand HiRDER's logic. It could open duplicate trades at the same time with the same strategy (like yesterday my HiRIDER opened 4 buy positions at the same time using strategy 2 HiRIDER). This is dangerous because when the trade is wrong, then since all of them is basically the same strategy opened at the...
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