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Royal Trading Robot - royaltradingrobot.com
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 21, 2014 at 18:29
Any one use this EA? Options available to lessen drawdown? 90% in a month is no joke but acct almost blew, to decrease risk to lets say 15% drawdown would have yeilded about 20% in a month and thats pretty damn good too.
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Started Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 21, 2014 at 18:14
Killed it on EURGBP. Good calling monkey-man 😎
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Started Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 21, 2014 at 13:55
Hi Christophe,These parameters are based on your own assesment and experience? I ask because according to the manual, the standard setting is .01 for 500 and thats at 30% risk (for both pairs, would be 60%) so then based on this, .01 for 1000 would be 15% risk or 30% for both pairs and so on...Also, the EA also runs in such a way that both pairs don't usually trade together. I have seen it a couple times but one pair was open for some time and apperently the conditions were good too good for the other so it opened that basket (both closed in profit too) And it also hedges at times as well....
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Started Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 20, 2014 at 21:57
@bluemonkey question for you. The stop percentage, does that only happen when the percentage is reached for that basket (eurgbp or eurusd)? Or is it for every trade? Lets say we have both open and together they are in a dd that reaches the risk percentage. Will they both close out or are they each independent on the dd and stop percentage. Meaning the eurgbp will only stop when it has drawndown to 30% solely? Just want to be 100% clear about this...
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Started Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 20, 2014 at 16:46
I could also be wrong and if anyone else is having similar closes to the master account please let me know as maybe there is an issue with my system...
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Started Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 20, 2014 at 16:20
Alex are you partially closing out your trades for more profit? I ask this because we had similar trades opened and the excact same amount of trades opened (9 sell orders on eurgbp). We both had a close at 9:30 today. Yours was a single trade and mine was the whole basket. That left you with 8 trades open. You then closed 3 more in the 15 hour for profit and you currently still have 5 trades open. I am not at all complaining because my basket closed in profit and I'm not being greedy but I just feel that that is a misrepresentation of the EA because there is manual intervention and then th...
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Started Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 19, 2014 at 15:08
@gftcfd I think he is using default settings which is .01 per $500 but he prob has the stop out higher than suggested as he is selling the ea and a good curve is necessary. But my settings are currently .01 per $1000 which is half of suggeseted and 20% stop out which is also a little higher for the half. I have made about 30% consistantly so I can't complain for the one stop out...
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Started Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 19, 2014 at 13:44
@filipesantos Yes it was around then. I have half the risk settings as master account at the moment so I lost 15% of the account but when you are getting a return of 30+% a month, that 15% doesn't even effect you. I have since put the stop at 20% just to give it a little extra wiggle room.
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Started Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 18, 2014 at 21:29
Well I am running it at decreased risk settings but other than one stop out, it has been pretty consistant and even after the stop out im stoll way up percentage-wise. So far so good hope we keep this up!
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Started Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 18, 2014 at 17:44
Alex, Out of curiosity, where did the idea for the name "Blue Monkey" come from?
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Started Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 17, 2014 at 17:41
Lets do it!!!
FX Rogue Wave 3.0 Reversal Strategy - Acct #1
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 17, 2014 at 13:46
Offering demo testing? What is the difference btwn #1 and #2
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Started Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 07, 2014 at 14:08
He is probably usinf FXCM europe where they offer that leverage. In the us, FXCM onlu offer 1:50.
Caesar 400% EURUSD
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 07, 2014 at 14:02
621 pips on my 400 account and 700 pips on my 2IcMA!!! Was scared as hell but worked out for the best! Hail Caesar
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Started Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 06, 2014 at 18:26
So it worked out well for you! Lucky you! Green is always good!
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Started Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 06, 2014 at 18:01
Yes trades did open and close sucessfully! You just seemed to have more positions and took in a much larger profi than I did so I was just wondering how that happened... I'm not complaining because either way I won but it was nowhere close to yours.
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Started Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 05, 2014 at 22:53
No no long positions. All my positions closed in profit so I'm not really complaining but I just wanted to see how he had different wins that what I had... to me a win is a win and it was hedging for me and I won on both sides so I happy either way. Just wondering
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Started Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 05, 2014 at 16:49
Hey Alex,You seemed to kill it today and great job for you but I had almost the same size account as you at the time and you seemed to do a much larrger profit and pip take home than me. I mean I won either way but you really outdid me by A LOT! How is this possible? Also, my basket closed this am (us time) and you still have trades going and mine is quite. What is the reason for that?
FX Rogue Wave 3.0 Reversal Strategy - Acct #1
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 03, 2014 at 20:25
Good luck! Keep us updated.
FX Rogue Wave 3.0 Reversal Strategy - Acct #1
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 03, 2014 at 16:47
Hey scotty,Long time no see! How is the wave going? See you are using it on a bunch of different pairs now. How does that look? What with the new grid strategy. Is it also a martingale?
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