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Trading Sistemleri
Jul 22, 2013 at 17:16
Please do not follow me because there is some mistake in lot calculation!!!!!!!!!!Graph shows profit and drawdowns as it is but if you would follow me trough this platform you will end up with huge lose in your account.Somehow you will end up trading 10 X larger lot size then me !!!That mean 10 x larger Drawdown!!!(For example: If I would have 10% DD then you would experience 10 times larger DD and that is 100% of your account!)So, please do not follow me because there is some mistake in lot calculation!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jun 19, 2013 at 21:56
Wow, I didn't know that you can manipulate with myfxbook statistics. Thanks for sharing.I agree with you on DD!It seems that Myfxbook calculate daily DD. For example: today I had DD 5.52%, statistcs has shown 7.35%, later I've made 100pips of profit.Now statistics is showing daily DD of only 2.96% wich is correct if you make daily statistics.But the worst and only true DD was 5.52% which statistics doesn't show nowhere.I know that you can manipulate statistics on zulutrade and I told that to their support.Their answer was: We are familiar with that and We have allready put that in...
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jun 19, 2013 at 18:55
I don't understund how this DD is calculated. It can not be used same calculation if trader compound his profit or if he doesn't compound.For example my DD is 5.52%, I didn't compound profit and DD graph shows DD of 7.35% for that day.Still, I see my DD as 5.52% and I continue with my trade.I wish to say that trader knows what is his DD at any given moment but DD graph is something else.That is why I have asked David about reinvesting his profit.
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jun 18, 2013 at 05:51
I see, that would be it!Thanks!
Trading Sistemleri
Jun 17, 2013 at 21:09
Please don't follow me until you see good track record!I always trade with 7 lots - somehow balance graph shows more than that.My expectation is 5%/month on average.Before profit show up there should be an oscilation round 15 to 20 % (positive/negative).
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jun 17, 2013 at 21:02
When I check my balance graph I see that I trade with 7 lots, 21 lots, and so on but the true is that I always use 7 lots!How is that possible?
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jun 17, 2013 at 16:06
Compound your profit or reinvest your profit.So, the question is do you reinvest your profit?
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jun 17, 2013 at 09:50
Very impresive track record!Do you compound your profit to get such a score?
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jun 13, 2013 at 15:44
Thank's again! (I did it!)
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jun 13, 2013 at 14:41
Thank you XharpScalper for your help!When I set this date I see the real track record!This is only for a moment - not for others to see the real statement.LKHedge -My answer: if you have read my posts from the begining you will notice that i have said near zero risk! My question for you: "what is the possibility for coin to fall on tail 100 times in a row?"
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jun 13, 2013 at 13:53
First deposit was 20 000 than I withdraw all the money out to check the broker.After that I put 20 000 on my account. now I have 20 136$ on my acc. Problem is :Why Myfxbook see 39930 as deposits ??? (maybe two deposits)Why Myfxbokk see DD more than 100%???The truth is that I have put only 20.000$ second time and now I am trading with this money.You can see this as balance.I don't know how realible Myfxbook is!I wouldn't consider profit untill I get 20% of profit because there must be some money left for oscilation!My goal is to make round 5%/month on average!
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jun 13, 2013 at 13:39
That was withdraw!Click on the profit tab it is more accurate!I have allready informend Myfxbook service to make that correction but I don't know why they didn't.Thanks for your replay!
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jun 13, 2013 at 13:27
Ok!Let me answer some of your questions.I am from Croatia. As I allready said I am new here therefore I don't have many trades. When I was talking about my search for "zero" risk I didn't mean to become 100% right with my trades.Instead I have calculated my average Risk/Reward ratio (Profit Factor) If you can get Profit fator 2 that means trading without risk and that is very hard to achieve.I know that there are planty of EA-s out there with more than PF: 2. Only problem with those EA-s is their chances!!!Let me explain:They take large risk (for example: 1000, maybe 2000 ...
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jun 12, 2013 at 11:52
Hello Everyone!I am new here and I trade for a living. I have been learning to trade forex since 2004. Now I trade full time for more than a year.My starting capital was 10000eur. I found that enough because I live in a country where average sallary is 500eur therefore if I make only 5%/month I have average sallary. I've learned to trade for 7 years because I have been searching how to eliminite the risk. After 7 years i have found my way to adopt the trading risk so it is almost zero. (ofcourse there are drawdowns)I like this topic and all your comments.
How do you know your a experienced trader?
Yeni Traderlar
Mar 26, 2012 at 23:32
Hello Everyone!My name is Denis and I am new here!Been trading forex since 2004. Very interesting question:" How do you know your a experienced trader? "I will try to add my answer as contribute to this subject!Well, there are so many things which I could mention but what is the essence? Essence is the edge!If you can explain to someone else "mathematical edge" and "price behavior in time manner" so clearly that he can understund and trade accordingly after 20-30 days then I would say for that person that he is experienced trader.The best way to explain to your se...
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