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EA Programlama Servisleri
Aug 16, 2013 at 07:01
that's a great news !!!I'll check this when I have another task for you !!MfG,Mark
EA Programlama Servisleri
Aug 07, 2013 at 11:42
well, (almost) the highest rate.I have made quite a lot of €€ due to this guy. He is a dedicated and patient programmer and it looks like he likes what he's doing.He is offering very competitive prices.The only problem for customers from other (than Poland) countries is the language... Sometimes it is hard to explain a certain problem to a person with only basic English.Strongly recommended !!!@
04 - Fast Forex Millions
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 03, 2012 at 17:50
Remus,I have to admit them one thing which is in 100% correct:the system is broker independent - it loses with all brokers equally 😈Let's leave it running for a couple more days ... perhaps it is only a bad period...But it shows again, that if you want to have a good system, you have to design and write it by yourself...Greetings,m
04 - Fast Forex Millions
Trading Sistemleri
Feb 03, 2012 at 11:58
Well - the back tests looked so good... but reality is so far totally different. I am also testing this paid EA and honestly speaking so far only my broker makes money on this EA - it is not exactly what I expected to get from a system you pay for....On the other hand... if it would be a real hit - they would not sell it, or at least not for such price...let's give it a few more weeks - perhaps there is a sens in this (at first glance) chaotic activity...well - if not ...
Acme Hedge
Trading Sistemleri
Jan 05, 2012 at 12:38
why actually you stopped to trade on this account ?my quite simillar system (not reported on Myfxbook) still has positive results.
Acme Hedge
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 30, 2011 at 15:01
Interesting system.... simple and efficient.what is the level of correlation you need to open a set of positions ?the only supprising me a little bit part is fixed lot size of the position - since there are different base currencies in each pair - the lot size should be different to be able to hedge the set.even if you sum up the GU and UCh and compare it against EU and AU - it's not balancing.... so in theory it should run away from time to time... and here - it looks like it works....very interesting system - indeed - I will have an eye on it. Congratualtions !!!
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 18, 2011 at 17:13
Dear RGabor,I do not mind making suggestions such as you did, but telling by an unidentified user more or less: "open the history or get lost !!" is not a way I accept.So for your information: so far there have been no any way of making a system visible only for a couple of people. either you keep it private or it's visible for everybody. A couple of guys want to see how the system performs and this is the way they want to see it.I know that perhaps there is a lot of other way of organizing it and that there will be soon a couple of advisors who would like to instruct me how shou...
Trading Sistemleri
Nov 13, 2011 at 22:28
and who you think you are to tell me what should or should not do ? mind your own business.
Trading Sistemleri
Jul 21, 2011 at 07:15
no... that was human ingeration to automatic system. You should have considered such situation WHEN you were designing and testing the system... and never mess with it manually. Let's face it - your freaked out and manually killed the still breathing system... Tymek - as one of our mutual friend keeps citing The Matrix: NEVER SEND A HUMAN TO DO A MACHINE'S JOB.best regards,Agent Smith
Trading Sistemleri
Jul 20, 2011 at 10:45
Hi Tymek,first of all - I hope that you've not lost too much on this real account. Since the system has failed - could you share with us more details about the system, what was the MM which had lifted the profit so nicely up to the sky and pushed it back to the ground within so short period of time ?@ #1 - I know the stress and pressure of playing on the edge of common sense.... I made it a couple of times and twice I ... hit the MC...@ #2 & 3 - that was also my lesson learnt hard way from my second crash...Looking forward to see your new edition with "strict sticking to the r...
Highway to Hell
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 04, 2010 at 19:50
Hi,well - it is a typical High Frequency Trading system - it scalps on 10 instruments (there will be more) whenever there is an opportunity.It will work only with certain brokers which allow scalping.There is a possibility of account management - if you are interested we can discuss details.Unfortunatelly, the broker have put on my account a Virtual Dealer and therefore I have withdrawn most of the money.I will continue trading on a new account starting on Monday.The new system name will be "Stairway to Heaven".... :)Best regards,Mark Smith
invisible system
Apr 30, 2010 at 11:23
Hi Guys,I#ve been publishing my system named Hilon 8.3 on myfxbook for last 2 weeks.Everything is going properly with updating of results, though the system is not listed under "Systems" - when I try to find it among the others it is not possible. When I use search - I can view it, but what should I do to have it published among the other systems when I press the button: Systems ???greetings,Mark
How to limit the history scope
Apr 16, 2010 at 11:38
Steave,that was actually easy... I didn't see the "Custom Anaysis" link.... thank you very much,Mark
How to limit the history scope
Apr 16, 2010 at 10:31
Hi guys,after reading of a few pages of the forum I gave up looking for the solution...perhaps someone can help me either with short instruction "how to" or with a suitable link...what is the exact problem:I would like to run a foreward test on a real account which I used for a while. The problem is, that I used this account to trade another system earlier and that is what I do not want to publish...I have no idea how to show only results starting i.e. on April 1st, instead of the whole 6 months history of this account ?best regards,M.S.
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