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What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
Deneyimli Traderlar
Feb 08, 2015 at 15:50
"Can you elaborate ?"Not here, I thought my previous post was too long but I will make that much available in the very near future. Just like I automated my trading, I am in the process of automating my course on systemic trading. (A type of fundamental trading). My intent is to make the first 3 chapters of the text book and the first lecture free as a way to determine if my investment programs are right for the reader before purchasing. It covers the basic fundamentals of the market. The textbook is currently being edited. When I get it back from the editor, I will let you know ...
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
Deneyimli Traderlar
Feb 08, 2015 at 15:04
"It is not written in the stone that price would not move outside of current boundaries, and forget that there was ever some center point"Mav, you just told on yourself my friend. Anyone who does not understand the significance of the center point, doesn't understand the forex market. Not trading the market, but the forex market itself. Why does it exist, what is its purpose? How to use that knowledge to make a safe trading system.. That is the problem that I have with technical trading. It allows people to trade, make and lose money, but never really understand the market i...
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
Deneyimli Traderlar
Feb 08, 2015 at 14:14
Yes, you double the winning trades. But that isn't a recovery system, its just another bizarre technical trading system. You know, the kind of system that is responsible for 80 to 85% losses? So lets look at a recovery system to see if it is as scary as technical trading. We start with .01 lots and set our take-profit and stop losses at 20 pips. Now to decide if we should do buys or sells, we look at the current price. The center point is half way between the historical high and the historical low. If the current price is above the center point then we do sells as we expect the pr...
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
Deneyimli Traderlar
Feb 07, 2015 at 21:17
Ben, can we assume from your post that you have both traded a martingale system and have been kicked in the nuts so your post is accurate within the limits of your knowledge? For you see, I have traded a martingale style (recovery) system and a horse once got me good and to tell you the truth, I don't see the comparison.What I don't understand is how so many people can make negative comments on what they don't understand and have never actually used. Recovery systems are not perfect but once you learn the concept of limits, they are tools that will improve your output. As I said...
How to Update MyFxbook Return?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Feb 06, 2015 at 04:17
I think what you are asking is that your MFB has stopped updating and you want to get it started again. If this is correct, then go to your MT4 shut it down and restart. That usually gets it going again. Bob
Prove your trading worth... 100% weekly on a consistent basis - long-term?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Feb 04, 2015 at 01:17
First a comment on the idea of banning someone, trolls included or deleting their post is wrong and more offensive than the crap that you have to wade through from the trolls. I would leave the forum if they started doing that. It's far better to teach respect than to limit freedoms because that puts one person in authority over their fellow human, and that is the very definition of evil. Now, Matt claims that I don't have a right to speak because my systems don't generate 100% a month but that is because he has limiting ideas that he didn't include. Let's think outside ...
Prove your trading worth... 100% weekly on a consistent basis - long-term?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Feb 03, 2015 at 03:13
Hey, CrazyTrader... Thanks for the help, I think it's working. http://www.myfxbook.com/files/ForexAssistant/myfxbook020215.JPGYou know, I had to stop putting my research work out so everyone could see it because everyone that comes on here thinks that whatever we are currently working on is what we have been trading for our income. Its a natural mistake but it make for crazy questions and turns into a constant mess. The Chance of my Life has lost the jaggedness now, you just have to get the other paramiters lined up. It looks pretty close though. I would still make it private until y...
Prove your trading worth... 100% weekly on a consistent basis - long-term?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Feb 01, 2015 at 02:12
"f I had to pick up in between 2 swing traders to manage my account, then the first thing I would look at is equity from both accounts.*"Oh, thanks, that's what iwas missing. Bob
Prove your trading worth... 100% weekly on a consistent basis - long-term?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jan 31, 2015 at 19:44
Question about"Whatever your strategy is, 90% of time, a system will crash one day because the way it trades is wrong."Is what you are saying is that only 10% of the available systems are relativily safe? Briefly had a little trouble following your thread of thought. It's because for one, RISE's equity is always below the profit curve, it was designed that way. It works just fine and is safer than most. Anyway, please clear that up for me, if you will.Bob
Prove your trading worth... 100% weekly on a consistent basis - long-term?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jan 31, 2015 at 06:22
Those are the kind of problems I go looking for. But I was looking to compromise profit for safety, I just don't know how to do it, yet.Bob
Prove your trading worth... 100% weekly on a consistent basis - long-term?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jan 30, 2015 at 22:57
Thanks Dr. Got it. I guessed that the sizes had to be large but I didn't guess how many it would take. I won't go any further hear but I would like to thank you for helping me to understand you methods. I did indeed understand how the 85% was achieved but I am not sure how to adapt it to everyday type system. Its Ok though, it gives me something to think about. Thanks again,Bob
Prove your trading worth... 100% weekly on a consistent basis - long-term?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jan 30, 2015 at 21:44
Yes, I understand that but I am dying to know how you achieved the 85% win ratio.Bob
Prove your trading worth... 100% weekly on a consistent basis - long-term?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jan 30, 2015 at 21:14
Dr. Vodka,I think I understand your point about the risk. Since the curve has risen the most toward the end, you must have maxed out the lot size, correct? Alright that doesn't do much good outside a competition but that 85% win ration and such a high profit factor has got my attention. What would it take to learn how to constantly get an 80+ win ratio like that? Can that be done on a regular basis? I think that others might like to hear what you have to say but we can go private if you like.Bob
Prove your trading worth... 100% weekly on a consistent basis - long-term?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jan 30, 2015 at 19:57
But can it be done everyday? That is the real question here. What is sustainable. Vontogr has shown that it is possible over a short period but he also showed what he had to do to get that result. Won't you do the same? At least unlock the history, it is only 8 trades. 5 wins. Show us more.Bob
Prove your trading worth... 100% weekly on a consistent basis - long-term?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jan 30, 2015 at 19:04
Damned if you do and damned if you don't, so Chilopop has become a troll, well we have experience with those, don't we guys? I shall not be responding to the troll, no matter what is said. I recommend everyone else do the same. Trolls don't have mothers to give them attention so they come here and cry a lot. Don't pick them up, it just encourages their bad behavior.Bob
Prove your trading worth... 100% weekly on a consistent basis - long-term?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jan 30, 2015 at 18:44
You know I forgot, there is a way to see a live account without making yourself a target, it is one that was closed when I changed brokers. Here is the link to that account, these are the monthly broker statements zipped for your convenience. I wasn't going to put these up but my honor has been challenged. http://www.forex-assistant.com/2008-2009.zipBob
Prove your trading worth... 100% weekly on a consistent basis - long-term?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jan 30, 2015 at 18:31
@ Cholipop, "Unless you have a live account, then please keep all your claims to yourself."No sir, I will not. If you have a mind to put your income out on a forum where everyone can see it, then that is you concern. However, I have not been silent on this in the past, I believe that it is foolishness to put information from a live account anywhere that it can hurt especially when they make demo accounts for just that purpose. If you got nothing to lose then fine but real traders are more experienced than that.Second point is “ your ego is showing”. You have been on th...
Prove your trading worth... 100% weekly on a consistent basis - long-term?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jan 30, 2015 at 18:14
Yes Matt, I know. I have the same problem with blackbox robots. They hurt people and hurt the reputation of our industry. However, I found that the more energy that I give to combating this potential evil, the less time I have to give to doing something positive. Thieves never prosper because their minds are not set up to achieve, only to find some short cut, no matter who it hurts. We have been wrongfully led to believe that it is the results that matter, the end justifies the means. This has led to the most unspeakable atrocities that the human mind could ever conceive of. Life is ...
Prove your trading worth... 100% weekly on a consistent basis - long-term?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jan 30, 2015 at 13:38
“Have you nothing better to do than respond to a stupid thread like this one? Your response doesn't even attempt to respond to the topic: what does that say about your intelligence?”I don't think it says anything about intelligence. In fact, intelligence itself may be a contrived concept and there really isn't any such thing. I have taken the tests, they say I have an IQ of 142, have a degree in mathematics and created a no loss trading system, but I can't begin to tell you why. As I look back over my life, I see that I have made the most stupid decisions of anyo...
Risk Management Made Easy
Yeni Traderlar
Jan 28, 2015 at 14:05
You know Blown Forex, I would like to discuss your system with you, but there are a couple of obstacles. First, as a trader and professional risk manager, would you really expect others to just believe what you are saying without proof? Notice how I show my history and open trades? Without them, others would just have to have faith in me, not in the system. Without those two items, we really don't have anything to talk about, nothing tangible at any rate. The second problem is your name. What kind of a name is Blown Forex Account Recovery Management? By the time I write it, I have for...
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