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forex_trader_7 tarafından yazılan gönderiler
Hedge funds - all work no play?
Jul 18, 2010 at 15:27
Doesn't look like it, keep them shirts on girl traders or they'll short you!!http://dealbreaker.com/2008/09/bonus-points-if-you-can-figure-out-which-hedge-fund/
Manual Trading and Automated which One Do You Think Is More Profitable?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 18, 2010 at 07:27
R, A lot of those HFT guys have very small operations. Some of those companies are no more than a desktop in a room at home. Not all of the strategies require super computers and precognitive internet.
Manual Trading and Automated which One Do You Think Is More Profitable?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 17, 2010 at 22:55
The question was which is more profitable. I think we can safely assume it's black boxes, judging by their absolute domination of equity trading.
Manual Trading and Automated which One Do You Think Is More Profitable?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 16, 2010 at 11:37
"With decimalization, however, if the specialist knew that there was about to be a total of 150,000 shares that buyers want to own, he could “step in front of” the $50 bid price and bid $50.01 to try and buy the stock for a penny more than the bidders already in line. If he buys stock at $50.01, he is only risking one cent per share, as opposed to risking 12.5 cents per share."
Manual Trading and Automated which One Do You Think Is More Profitable?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 16, 2010 at 11:37
Showbaba, "Trading by the HFT crowd is believed to account for as much as 75% of the trading volume on US stock markets on any given day."http://www.dailymarkets.com/stock/2010/07/16/the-seven-rules-for-new-normal-markets/The markets are so rigged it's not even funny. Every transaction you do there's a bunch of computers competing to see who can rip you off first.
Anyone want to try this EA?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 15, 2010 at 09:35
Ship's crashed my laptop. I'm usually always on the move, laptop gets plugged into different power sources 110v/220v including generators on ships. It's the only explanation I have for why my laptops blow up every few months. I can never get the guarantee because by the time the damn thing blows up I'm usually in a different country already. Either that or the laptop bends in my bag. Last one the motherboard cracked...how the heck does that happen? Only six months old and I bought that in Dubai airport because that's where the one I bought in Thailand blew up.That EA does r...
Anyone want to try this EA?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 14, 2010 at 14:39
Well I don't know if it works. I crashed my laptop and all my data is gone, so I can do a little bit of back testing and it seemed to drift up....I idea is really to see if random works...cuase then everyone wasted a lot of time with indicators and also means fx is not about direction, which is something I believe to be true.
Manual Trading and Automated which One Do You Think Is More Profitable?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 13, 2010 at 15:06
I'm getting all neurotically suspicious about this. I bought some GBP through a ECN, and the damn thing hesitated. So I'm wondering. Did Goldman's computers see my order, grabbed the ask, and when my broker upped the bid because it was at market sold it back to me for 1 pip extra?Or was it someone else? It's very unlikely I got the actual price. How friggen sad is that. Every transaction is a scam. And the US tax payer bailed them out. So US tax money is used to fund what amounts to highway robbery. At least in the old days you'd pull out your sword and take a few with you.
Manual Trading and Automated which One Do You Think Is More Profitable?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 12, 2010 at 17:22
The dollar is probably where it is because a black box is keeping it there. It should have the same value as toilet paper. Fed's been printing money for months and the more you have of something the less valuable it should be. If you ask me we're heading for a black box induced crack up boom. People who ran the systems made billions and will continue to do so as economies fail. No manual trader can cope with the scope and volume of what's happening automated. Fx or otherwise. Just not quick enough I'm afraid. What were doing with MT4 is a joke. A company like Tradebot can run t...
Manual Trading and Automated which One Do You Think Is More Profitable?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 12, 2010 at 16:57
Think these operators are not into fx? Goldman? If I remember correctly one of their fx portfolio's did 22 000% for a single year. I just have the information to prove the stock side after it became a news event because of the flash crash. I assure you they're doing the same to fx. Just have to wait till they flash crash a currency.....then the names will pop up and it be the same people.
Manual Trading and Automated which One Do You Think Is More Profitable?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 12, 2010 at 15:38
But to answer the question. What is most profitable? Looking and Goldman Sachs and player like these I think the answer is very obvious.
Manual Trading and Automated which One Do You Think Is More Profitable?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 12, 2010 at 12:44
They should really stop HFT. Basically it means the game is rigged for a few privileged players. I'd rather go trade in China now days than NYSE....
Manual Trading and Automated which One Do You Think Is More Profitable?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 12, 2010 at 12:32
More than 5% of the NYSE's volume is traded by one company, fully auto. http://www.tradebot.com/That same guys also owns the third largest stock exchange in the world. Or a significant portion of it anyway.http://batstrading.com/They did all of that with automated trading systems. And are probably the leaders if not pioneers of high frequency trading. In other words these are the guys that mugg you when you try do a manual trade or even a slow black box trade on NYSE or one of the others. I guess manual investing still works, but manual trading there are guys mugging you in 1/1000th of a s...
Anyone want to try this EA?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 11, 2010 at 12:53
Russel's cycles were a step further than the work I've done. I said right everyday at time x we need to be selling or buying. His says On Monday at time x we need to be selling, but on Tuesday it needs to be time y...and so on. And after 5 days it will reverse. And another 5 days it will reverse again. Wish I knew where that came from. Would need to be quite a computer buff to write something that can go identify those kind of cycles. Would need good data and a serious machine.
Anyone want to try this EA?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 11, 2010 at 11:30
That's why I was so interested in this thread: http://www.myfxbook.com/community/trading-systems/markets-not-random/38068,1Unfortunately Russel was a bit sensitive, so he left. I tried to tell him I was interested in his work, but he got super offended for reasons I'll never understand.
Anyone want to try this EA?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 11, 2010 at 11:08
PDThere's a very clear case for time based trading. Buying or selling a pair at the same time everyday is not as random as you might think.Buying EurUsd at GMT midnight for the last year and closing out at 01:00 would have netted you 1300 pips in 365 days. The evidence is here: http://articles.mql4.com/915#10016Very strong patterns around 11:00 and 15:00 and 16:00. Time based trading can do about 30 000 pips a year if I add all of them up. But I wouldn't mind seeing how this random EA would work on 20 pairs. Unfortunately my server is going to be real busy soon, so I don't want to ...
Anyone want to try this EA?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 11, 2010 at 10:26
It's a random trade thingy. I did a little bit of back testing seems to have a positive trend. It would be sooooooo funny if it does make money.
Anyone want to try this EA?
Deneyimli Traderlar
Jul 11, 2010 at 10:23
http://www.earnforex.com/metatrader-expert-advisors/myRandomBe quite interesting to see how it does....
FX Robot
Trading Sistemleri
Jul 11, 2010 at 04:46
Antonio...I need two screens to read that post.
You got scammed? Someone disappeared with your money?The NOT DO DO and NO GOs
Jul 08, 2010 at 15:21
But there is another side to it. The price of freedom is I guess that you're allowed to do stuff that gets you hurt. In Thai if I want to get on my scooter after a few beers and go slap myself into a truck that's really my problem. They'll pick me up and dust me off best they can. But no one is going to lie in ambush outside the pub to prevent me from hurting myself. In New Orleans I stumbled out a pub and the police were waiting on horses. I was still wondering what the heck was going on and they were already pushing people around to disperse the crowd. Just in case anyone had any...
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