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Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 24, 2012 at 02:50
Hi Will,How do you get the rebates and how are they calculated? Is that something InstaForex does and credits to your account? They use a non standard Lot size of 10,000. if I may ask are you running a penny or dollar account and standard, mini or micro, what leverage?Will compare it to these where I have used a standard account balance of $1,000 which is the investors funds plus the Bonus. Looks like I need to add Broker rebates to the Envy calculator.InstaForex does generate the highest HeadRoom because of the 600 Leverage but it's deposit Bonus is smaller than TradeFort.
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 24, 2012 at 02:28
Interesting idea. So you keep the TE set files for the more aggressive Short charts and have increased the Initial Lots to 0.02 for the more conservative Long charts? Did you do that for all 9 Long charts?Yes Envy 3.0 and Power Envy will be interesting. If I can get 40% ROI per month and feel confident there is sufficient Head Room, then the probability of a StopOut becomes very small and acceptable.
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 24, 2012 at 01:26
Hi Will,I would have thought the set files would have adjusted the Envy settings to generate an equal risk level and ROI for each funding level. I noticed some of the setting did alter when I went from my initial $500 to $1,000. I seems as the funding increases, the entry Lots stays the same but the increased Lots used for loss recovery do increase, which makes sense as the increased funding generates more HeadRoom.Envy Trading must be running more aggressive settings. Maybe the old Ultra settings? How do you think they increased risk? It still opens with 0.01 Lot trades. Anyway I have asked T...
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 23, 2012 at 23:53
All OK now. Envy has opened trades on every chart. Forgot I had to enable Trading on EACH chart.Anybody know why Envy Trading Point is making a lot more money than Envy Long/Short? Is Envy Trading using the Ultra Set files or is it a precursor of Envy 3.0?
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 23, 2012 at 13:47
I'm not a big fan of back testing as it totally eliminates slippage, spread variation and allows EAs to do 40 or 50 transactions per second. In the real world you are pushing to get 3 transactions per second. Back testing is good to sell EAs though ;)
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 23, 2012 at 13:05
Back test trading 14 currency pairs? How?
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 23, 2012 at 11:58
Latest Envy Calculator with a few new features and capabilities such as Bonuses.
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 23, 2012 at 11:53
No errors and no trades. Manually I did 4 trades and picked up around 180 Pips with a Lot size quite a bit bigger than the 0.01 Envy starter.The Power and Trading accounts started with a HeadRoom of around 4,500. My account has around 45,000 HeadRoom. What this means to me is I have a massive margin reserve at the expense of ROI. I'm tempted to increase the opening Lot size from 0.01 to say 0.05 and still maintain a HeadRoom of around 9,000 or twice the HeadRoom amount of the Power and Trading accounts.
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 23, 2012 at 11:13
The Long and Long/Short accounts are being updated. So strange? I did email TE but no replies. They are normally quick to reply. Sure hope the 2 accounts did not die on that AUSUSD dive. Noticed it caused other to have big movements as well and all around the same time. Could be an issue when trading 9 currencies and most move against you.My Envy has only made 1 trade since the AUSUSD dive. Do TE have the ability to remotely shut down trading? Checked the set files and nothing has changed. I reloaded them from those emailed from TE and still no trades.
Thor II Live Account
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 23, 2012 at 11:06
Hi Alexander,Good to see Thor II running on a live account. Almost made my purchase price back. Going well. Are those changes OK for others to use?Say Hi to Andrew for me. Good guy.Greg
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 23, 2012 at 10:56
Envy Power still alive? Last reported trade at 03:59 was when AUDUSD dived for the floor after the bad AU CPI data at 04:00. Nothing since then. Envy Trading also stopped updating about 1 hour later. Did we lose them both? Emailed TE but no replies.BTW my Envy made money on the AUDUSD dive.
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 20, 2012 at 08:49
Hi,As far as I know, Envy Power is in test and is not yet ready for sale.
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 19, 2012 at 16:29
FxCC with special conditions. May get the RT pip cost down to 0.1 (0.8 charge and 0.7 rebate) if I push through enough Lots from Envy, other EAs I run and my manual trading (use ForexEaSystem's ProFx indicators) which can be over 100 Lots per month. FxCC have very tight spreads and fast execution. I use AxiTrader via a CNS VPS at the moment but the FxCC rep is working a good deal for me to move. I did a trade time test on their close coupled VPS and got Ping time <1ms and MT4 order modify executes of around 250ms or 4 per second. Fastest I have ever seen.I also use the real time FxO...
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 19, 2012 at 15:46
Ouch on the Bonus removal. Not nice. Even more reason to trade with your own money. I mean the money they give away and their rebates needs to come from some other customer, so No Free Lunches.I'm happy to trade with 0.1 to 0.4 pip spreads, pay 0.3 pip / lot / round trip commission, have a StopLevel of 0.1 pip, MC at 1% and trade to trade execution time of 300 ms.
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 19, 2012 at 14:43
Hi Will,Yes I understand the issue with the free margin chewed up by the open losing trades, I couldn't model that and yes it would be expected to make my cash flow worst and the change of hitting a MC a lot more probable. I made the model to study the effect that Leverage via the cost of opening a trade has on the overall cash flow.What I learned was there needs to be an cost to the account of 1/5000 the balance to open the smallest Lot size. For a standard account that is 0.01 Lots which cost at 500 Leverage $2. This means I need to invest $10k, have a Leverage of 500 and have opening Lo...
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 19, 2012 at 13:07
Hi Will,Sure I agree that a hard SL or TP cost no MT4 time. But most EAs I have seen actively control the SL and/or TP and thus need a high back to back order modify execution speed.I have just today downloaded Envy so I have no detailed knowledge of the order modification sequence it uses. As an old engineer and IT guy, I would prefer to have a quick order modification time and have a StopLevel of 0 or 1 on a 5 digit broker.As for the Leverage question, I have modified the Envy Power Excel spreadsheet to allow the Leverage to be altered. Dropping the Leverage from 1000 to 500 doubles the cost...
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 19, 2012 at 12:34
Hi Will,Of course you are right, high leverage to generate a high MC head room is just one effect Envy uses to it's advantage.As for Team Envy, VERY impressed.I use these Script to measure a lot of broker stuff, including StopLevel, MC%, and trade to trade time. If Envy needs to close out 13 trades by changing the SL or TP and your broker has a order modify to order modify time of 1.6 seconds, well you be be down a few pips.Best time trade time I have ever seen is 300 ms or around 3.3 order mods per second. That was on a VPS with a <1 ms Ping time to the server. Worst was around 2 s...
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 19, 2012 at 12:06
Hi Will,Thanks for the insight. Appreciated.I like what I see in this EA. It has brains. As you say it seems to never lose control. Nice trick to trade fixed lots and use max leverage to reduce cash tied up in opening the trades, which gives Envy more head room before an MC event. Smart use of leverage. Smart EA. So it seems we need a Broker with a leverage of 500 or 1,000, max MC of 10% (I'm happy with 0%), STP, ECN, 5 digits, 0.4 pip avg spreads, 0.3 or less pips commission per standard lot per turn, StopLevel of 0 or 1 point, order modify to order modify cycle time of no more than 300 m...
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 19, 2012 at 11:23
Hi Will,I have attached an Excel spreadsheet with the latest Envy Power Open and Closes placed in time sequence so it is easier to see what happens when and the effect on the available cash reserves. Looks like the UJ trade basket closes from 04.11.2012 15:39 (line 3,222) onward really drove the profit spike. Note the cost of the last UJ buy of 13.54 Lots at line 3,152 cost around 13% of available cash. Had that not gone well, there may have been enough cash to double it again but then it would have been all over. Now Envy would have handled that situation (needing to open another doubled UJ t...
Forex Envy Power Edition
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 19, 2012 at 10:07
Hi SoCalEngineer,Once lived there. Nice place. Engineer as well. Retired now. When you increase the Lots size to recover losses, you can forget a straight adding up of the pips as the eventual high lot size win generates more equivalent winning pips than losing pips.As for BJ I could pull about 2% odds advantage against the house. Not card counting but something similar. That and the way I used the double bet sizes increases kept me from blowing the bank. Very hard on the nerves though. Was finally asked not to come back as the Casino was not my private bank that I could make continual withdra...
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