Westernpips|| Newest Universal 10 (tarafından www35)

Kazanma : +7506.26%
Düşüş 4.98%
Pipler: 113.0
Tradeler 55
Tür: Gerçek
Kaldıraç: 1:500
Trading: Otomatik

Westernpips|| Newest Universal 10 Tartışma

Apr 05, 2013 at 02:56
1,163 Görüntüleme
1 Replies
Jan 18, 2012 zamanından beri üye   69 iletiler
May 05, 2013 at 14:12 (May 05, 2013 at 14:13 düzenlendi)
this myfxbook account is from westernpips.

He is fraud and cheater.
he sold me the ea by showing his galleass fully verified myfxbook link.
i bought ea and it never worked.
just crap ea.
he is fraud and scammer.
he never helped me and removed me from skype.
Aug 22, 2009 zamanından beri üye   382 iletiler
May 05, 2013 at 15:04
If he makes 7500 ROI a day, He will be multitrillionaire in a couple weeks.
Let's see this guy
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